June 11th, 2023
By John Strand & Thomas Bixby
Our Opinion: No way to delay, trouble comin’ every day.
Whatever happened to dignity, empathy, and so much that goes into our hard-won civilization. How did we get here and where are we going?
These United States are on the brink of collapse, each in its own way. The divisiveness is so prevalent that about the only consensus is a sense of noncohesion.
The polarization of otherwise ordinary people is palpable, borderline dangerous. Except now more…
May 16th, 2023
By Sabrina Hornung
Our opinion: Keep your chins up, class of 2023
As the school year draws to a close, this seems to be the time of year when most editors offer up their best advice to the most recent graduating classes, so here are a few words of wisdom from one of the last people who should be doling out advice.
I’d like to direct these words of wisdom and encouragement to those who are having a tough time. To those who lacked encouragement, who didn’t get endless…
April 17th, 2023
By Faye Seidler
The Theme of the 2023 ND Legislative Session
In the North Dakota 2021 Special Session, Representative Bill Tviet introduced House Bill 1514, otherwise known as the Ivermectin Bill.In testimony he describes the helplessness he felt in a hospital while his wife was struggling with Covid and painted a picture of the need for medical autonomy to try what he personally felt was effective. He demanded the government overrule medical bodies and allow…
April 5th, 2023
By Faye Seidler
Guest editorial: If I can help you, I will do it. Even if you’re a legislator hurting people I care about.
Being a Republican has never been more unappealing to me than watching this 2023 legislative session unfold. We’re censoring books, taking medical autonomy away from parents, banning vaccinations, and otherwise legislating morality at a cost to small and large businesses.
A smaller state government has never seemed like a better idea and…
February 12th, 2023
By John Strand
Our Opinion: Who on Earth would ever want to move to North Dakota?
Let’s talk about the left hand and the right hand. Or, more correctly, let’s focus on the right hand, being as there is no left in ND to speak of, or that matters, or with any influence.
North Dakota’s right hand, the Grand Old Party that runs everything and without any counterbalance or outside voice, seems to do their level best to push our state even further back into social dark ages.…
January 18th, 2023
By Sabrina Hornung
Our opinion: The sound of ND collectively holding its breath
As the legislative session nears one may notice a certain stillness in the air as a good part of North Dakota’s population collectively holds their breath.
There’s a lot at stake this session as women CONTINUE to fight for their bodily autonomy and to be viewed as more than a brood sow by our state. If women get pregnant it’s “God’s will,” if men become impotent Viagra can be…
December 14th, 2022
By Laura Simmons
Our opinion: Jesse Harris of Summit LLC: objections
Last month I wrote an article titled “Proposed Carbon Pipeline.” Summit Carbon Solutions Director of Public Affairs Jesse Harris had some follow-up comments for my article. Harris wrote in a text message that my article contained inaccurate information.
Harris requested that the High Plains Reader update the article to fix the inaccuracies. This article aims to share and address…
November 16th, 2022
By HPR Staff
Our opinion: How can it be 17 years?
It’s hard to believe that Ralph’s has been gone for 17 years. I was lucky enough to experience the tail end of its legacy, though technically I wasn’t old enough to be there (legally). If memory serves me right it was the first bar I got kicked out of. Neil Hamburger was playing that night.
To provide a bit of context I haven’t been kicked out of a bar since I was 20, if that says anything, but here’s my PSA:
October 19th, 2022
By Sabrina Hornung
Our opinion: Are nearly all ND politicians paid mouthpieces? Not Cara!
There’s a New Deputy Mayor in Town
Deputy Mayor Dave Piepkorn was stripped of his title this week for disparaging comments with regard to a couple of Native Americans outside his downtown building, Arlette Preston was voted in as the new Deputy Mayor, 4 to 1.
I have a couple of questions, comments and acute observations...
The individual voting against Arlette and questioning her…
September 14th, 2022
By Faith Dixon
Guest editorial: ‘I am here to create, make and sustain true change’
Being an activist is my purpose, it’s why I was born, it courses through my blood and is in my DNA. The becoming of it is the story of my life, the adversities I have experienced and seen. My becoming an activist is the maturing of my life cultivating and harnessing the fight.
Little did I know,…
By Josette Ciceronunapologeticallyanxiousme@gmail.com What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…