Editorial | May 22nd, 2019
It’s that time of year again. Recent grads are unleashed and set out to make their mark on the world.
It’s funny how something can be simultaneously liberating and terrifying. If we could spread any pearls of wisdom to these young adults, we’d tell them the world is your oyster. Seize every opportunity. One of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes, but make sure you learn from them.
To quote Albert Einstein, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Remember that balance is key. Make sure you balance school and work, friends and studies, family time and personal time. Most importantly, take care of yourself and don’t stretch yourself too thin. Know your limits and know your boundaries.
Try everything once -- maybe twice, just to see if you like it. If you’re going to experiment, be safe. Contrary to popular belief, no one is invincible. Even Superman can be done in with enough kryptonite.
You may be a young adult, but don’t suppress that inner child. Keep a childlike sense of wonder intact. Appreciate beauty and understand that it’s okay to be easily amused. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I’ve always been told, “You’ll never know if you don’t ask.”
Go to parties, art openings, shows. Experience. Talk to as many people as you can. The more experiences and perspectives that are shared and gathered the better. It helps to develop a better understanding of your fellow human and who knows, it might help you approach an opinion from a different angle.
The moral of the story? Talk to strangers but also understand “stranger danger.” Not everyone has the best intentions.
People find happiness and fulfillment in a variety of ways. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t fill your head with unrealistic expectations. Take baby steps toward your goals. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Argusville. Big goals, small goals, they all take time and execution.
Patience really is a virtue. We live in a world of instant everything. Learn to be patient, learn to listen. It’s ok not to respond to an instant message that second. The world will not stop spinning, the birds won’t stop singing. It will be fine.
Pull out those earbuds so you can hear those birds. Be aware of what and who is around you. You’ll be amazed what you offline or even in your own backyard.
It’s okay to not have an exact course of action after graduation. Not everyone knows what to do with their lives the instant they take off their graduation cap. It’s okay to do a bit of soul searching. Some people take time off after graduation, some people try to figure it out as they go and a rare few have it all figured out. Some even take breaks in between. Everything is a learning experience and your experiences will shape you.
Heck, some folks don’t go to college and that’s okay too. Some of us learn best firsthand. It all takes time. Remember, only one person knows what path you should follow and that person is you. You’ll be fine, you’ll figure it out -- you’ve made it this far!
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