Editorial | September 16th, 2015
The excitement and energy emanating from the Bernie Sanders presidential run is spreading to the Fargo-Moorhead area. It’s easy to see why, he is an unconventional candidate speaking the truth in a time of tremendous skepticism about politicians who have said one thing to get elected and done something else after. Young people, college students and other citizens not normally drawn to campaigns or politics are constantly talking about Bernie and promoting his candidacy.
We’ve seen it before, there was a lot of hope for Barack Obama, in part due to motivating young people to vote more than in the past. He inspired with his words and campaign but governing became another matter and some felt betrayed by his inability to end wars he was elected to stop and lack of prosecution of Wall Street crooks who brought the economy to the brink of collapse.
This time, the fever that Bernie is causing feels different. We need someone unconventional, we need a shake to the system. We need a non-corporate candidate who can’t be bought and sold. More of the same candidates will bring more of the same policies and gridlock which has seen the gap between the haves and the have nots grow larger and a middle class basically disappear.
Think of the apathy a Jeb Bush vs. Hillary Clinton presidential race in 2016 would cause. Turnout would be pathetic and people who did vote would be resigned once again to vote the lesser of two evils. These two entitled politicians have had everything handed to them and will literally raise billions of dollars in a modern day corporate campaign that would be almost impossible to stay in touch with everyday Americans.
That a 74 year old independent socialist grey haired teacher can overcome that, against all odds, outspent by millions, based solely on the passion of supporters and grassroots volunteers, who have almost in a sense lifted his standing in the polls because of their enthusiasm and spreading his message of restoring economic equality for all Americans, is pretty amazing.
President Obama tried to fix the healthcare system despite fervent Republican opposition who didn’t want to give him any sort of victory, the result was a watered down proposal that barely passed. Despite all that, the number of Americans with health insurance has gone up. But the system is still broken, Bernie Sanders recognizes that and is not afraid to speak to it.
The economy has improved under Obama, who was handed a beyond dismal economic climate, but it’s not enough. The job market has gotten better but the number of Americans underemployed needs to be addressed. The number of college students buried in student loans debt needs to be addressed. And the seemingly endless gap between the rich and the poor which seems to grow wider and wider every year and we’re all just resigned to letting it happen needs to be addressed.
Bernie Sanders speaks to and has problems for all of these. His solutions are big and overturn a system which needs to be shaken inside and out with the change from bought out politicians hopefully falling out. I read somewhere someone recently said “How do you know when Bernie Sanders is telling the truth? His mouth is open.”
Just this week, he ventured into enemy territory and spoke at the conservative Christian college Liberty University, a place where Ted Cruz launched his Presidential run. Sanders is someone who is unafraid to try the unconventional and take his message anywhere believing he can convince even the most ardent opponents. He is also someone unafraid of the consequences of doing so, unlike Hillary Clinton. He is anything but safe and careful in a time a when we are long overdue for a politician like that.
A lot of people have felt that this is Hillary’s time and she certainly has many of the cards in her favor. The inspiration a female running for President would be something to watch. It doesn’t mean it should be handed to her however. No one expected Bernie Sanders to be beating her in the polls in swing states. His meteoric rise has everything to do with his message but also her flaws as candidate. She is the dictionary definition of an entitled corporate candidate at a time when no one wants that. The jaded feelings some Obama supporters have will not be assuaged by her. She is all about continuing the status quo and that may be enough for some. But some of us still believe that more is possible. That living paycheck to paycheck with no end or hope in sight to changing that would be a reality.
That’s not to say it’s over. Bernie is just now starting to come under attack from corporate conservative media like the Wall Street Journal and Hillary Clinton supporters. The campaign is long and Hillary has boat loads of cash to stay in this thing until the bitter end. But the start of this run and intensity and passion that the Sanders has brought to the process is something to behold and something we fully support. We needed this at this time more than ever. Maybe real change is possible. An unconventional candidate to convince the jaundiced electorate is not a white millionaire television star stoking racial fears, it’s a man speaking truth to power to corporate interests with their foot on the throat of the American worker. We hope this fever continues. It culminates locally this weekend with Bernie Fest, a fundraiser and rally in Moorhead at the All Star Bowl on Friday. Hopefully this is the start of more to come locally for a movement sorely needed.
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