Editorial | November 14th, 2018
It's that time of the year when we’ve finally finished up our Halloween candy and started to deck the halls... but who’s rushing the season when it’s the season of the holiday rush?
Here at HPR we’ve had shopping and holiday menus on the brain for the past couple weeks in preparation for our first-ever holiday edition of HPR. With all of this holiday chatter around the office we’re starting to think that this year just might be the year that we finally send out the holiday cards we’ve been conceptualizing since last Thanksgiving. If I had a nickel for every card I wrote, addressed, and never sent -- I’d have enough money to send off all of those cards and letters I’d been meaning to send. It’s the thought that counts though, right?
We’re doing something a bit different for this holiday edition of HPR. We dedicated the majority of our content to spreading a little holiday cheer and to offering up some gift ideas, shopping suggestions and even cool things to do during the holiday season.
We were sure to include a list of various maker’s markets -- we apologize in advance for the ones we missed. But, what’s more fun than gifting someone a one-of-a-kind handmade object and shaking the hand of the one who crafted it? I grew up going to craft shows with my grandma at the Civic Center in Jamestown, we’d walk around and admire the handiwork of the various vendors. Even if we didn’t find what we were looking for, we left inspired, with a bag full of various other goodies we couldn’t live without.
Shopping online, you have the world at the click of a button, you don’t have to deal with crowds or leave the house and you don’t even have to wear pants. That’s great and all, but how do you know your order is going to come in on time and how do you know you’re going to get what you thought you ordered? Do we dare say give me convenience or give me a bare spot under the tree?
As an adult I find more satisfaction in finding the perfect gift for my loved ones but that’s coming from a sentimental fool.
I’ll be the first to admit that holiday crowds can be overwhelming, but it’s more fun to weather the storm in numbers. Assembling a shopping posse with your family or friends makes the task much more bearable. When it comes to selecting the right gift for the person who has everything, it never hurts to have a second opinion. Plus, by shopping in numbers you have a built-in support group when nothing catches your eye. Afterward you can treat yo’ self to an after-shopping victory cocktail… or hot chocolate. Not only does this lead to quality time, you’re supporting your neighbors and friends by shopping locally.
Full disclosure: In case you weren’t aware, we’re big advocates of eating, drinking and shopping locally.
With all this being said, the holidays aren’t all about stretching out your pocketbook and stressing about finding the perfect holiday centerpiece to outdo the Joneses. It all really boils down to getting together, whether it’s your family or your chosen family. Be sure to share memories and make more memories -- pass on age-old traditions and create new traditions.
And the holidays aren’t jolly for everyone, so be sure to be good to one another.
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