April 10th, 2019
An Orgy Of Business, Politics, Religion, And Sex
On March 4, 2019, the New York Times reported that President Donald Trump had lied 9,014 times since his inauguration. He must be close to 10,000 by now. Having followed the career of The Donald for about 35 years, I wrote in 2015 that he was unfit for any office because his mental condition is fully described in the American Association of Psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders. Psychiatrists label him…
April 3rd, 2019
Are Modern Religions Straying Away From God?
When Christians were challenging the teaching of the “new” science of evolution in the 1925 Scopes trial, the hymn that probably best described the position of most Christians contained the following lines:
“Give me that old time religion, it’s good enough for me.
Makes me love everybody, it’s good enough for me.
It will do when I’m dying, it’s good enough for me.
It can take us all to heaven, it’s good enough for me.”
March 27th, 2019
After All, With A 20 Pound Brain, What Does A Sperm Whale Know?
Perhaps because I was a farm kid surrounded by spiders, horses, geese, maggots, pigs, rats, chickens, cats, bullheads, cows, rabbits, squirrels, snakes, dogs, honey bees, crows, and hundreds of other things with brains and nerves, I have been fascinated enough to keep files on what animals, insects, birds, and other creepy-crawlies do.
For an English literature class in college, I read T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J.…
March 13th, 2019
The Battle Between Extreme Capitalism And Democratic Socialism
After Vice-President Mike Pence representing racial and extreme capitalism ended his scathing rant about democratic socialism at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), he went back to the dressing room, peed into a capitalistic toilet and flushed his waste into a socialistic sewer. Then he washed his hands at a capitalistic faucet of clean tap water from a socialistic water treatment facility-- then again ran…
March 6th, 2019
Let’s Study The Difference Between Monosexual And Plurisexual
If we are interested at all in the science of genetics we are running into the terms “gender identity” and “gender fluidity” more and more. The difference between criminal and civil law becomes important. If a judge or jury finds a defendant guilty, that generally means there is “no doubt.” But in civil litigation there may be some doubt, but the person can be determined guilty by “a preponderance of…
February 27th, 2019
How Many People Have To Die For The Second Amendment?
There are no licensed federal gun dealers in our capital of Washington D.C., but 29-year-old resident Bobby Perkins Jr. recently went to prison for selling guns and drugs on the streets of D.C. A district court found him guilty of selling 224 guns bought in surrounding states on the street in just five months in 2015, with 94 of them being traced to homicides and crime scenes from Virginia to New York. But Bobby had spent much of his…
February 20th, 2019
The Monsters Of The Midway
Back in college eons ago I and a fellow footballer spent half a summer employed by a concessions company that worked county and state fairs in the region. We sold foot-long hotdogs and ice cream bars on the carnival midway at night. It was a great job for people-watching, both the people riding the death-defying machines and the carnival barkers in front of the tent walls advertising the freak shows. Carnies are fascinating people whether they are disabled,…
February 13th, 2019
All The Evidence Points To An Anti-Life Political Party
After observing and experiencing the machinations and voting records of the Republican Party from Nixon to Reagan To Bush To Trump, one can arrive at only one conclusion: It is anti-life. The Trump-White-Republican (Trumwhiticans) Party calls itself pro-life when it comes to abortion. But when we examine political platforms and voting records, the only period the Trumwhitican Party is actually pro-life for is the nine-months from…
February 6th, 2019
The World Economic Forum Meets Two Caravans
As 2,000 private jets carrying the world’s oligarchs, plutocrats, CEOS, millionaires and billionaires to Davos, Switzerland where they would decide in January how they were going to screw the bottom 99 Percent out of their last dollar, two caravans were slowly moving to the United States-Mexico border. One was from the south from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and other Latin American countries; the other from the United States and Canada.…
January 30th, 2019
A Formula for Trouble: Sex and Religion
Humankind has had two major vexations for thousands of years: sex and religion. Sex has caused wars between individuals and among groups since Lucy decided to go to the back of the cave with another relative of Homo Erectus. Religion has caused more wars between tribes and among countries more than any other vexation, including economics. If there is a problem in River City, it’s probably sex or religion. Ever since Leviticus declared that…
By Josette Ciceronunapologeticallyanxiousme@gmail.com What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…