April 1st, 2023
By Ed Raymond
Can We Regenerate Our Country by “Rediscovering the Lost Art of Tolerance?”
Columnist Gary Abernathy says our enormous diversity of identity in our sweeping multiculturalism makes it difficult to agree with groups present in the Divided States of America.
We have hundreds of organizations, groups, and religions with which to cope, so Abernathy lists a few that may be very difficult to tolerate: Gays, MAGA Republicans, Nonbinary, Asexuals,…
March 25th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
Two ForumWhite Nationalist Trumplican Nincoms Have Pooped All Over Librarians
So it has come to pass that Scott Hennen and Ross Nelson have assaulted librarians in the state, accusing them of putting porn on the library shelves and in the arms and backpacks of innocent big and little children. At 91 I have been disgusted a few times in my life, but those two columns rank with the rankest I have experienced.
Having been a compulsive reader for much of my…
March 18th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
Has Christianity Gone Bankrupt Because of Evangelicals, Stupidity, and the Vatican?
The word “bankruptcy” refers to money because of the word “bank.” The word “bankruptcy” originated in Italy from banca rotta, which literally means “broken bank.” The term developed in the 16th century Renaissance, from Italian money changers and lenders sitting on benches behind tables in…
March 13th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
We Have Had a Mix of Disaster, Chaos, Rotting Capitalism and Socialism for 400 Years
Capitalism leads to a branch of slavery where men and women are in bondage to the plutocrats and oligarchs who have acquired monopolies—unless socialist programs are utilized to restrain economic inequality. We don’t have property deeds for humans as we did before 1865, but bondage remains the same.
Let’s look at the legal definitions of slavery: “Bondage to a…
March 4th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
The 14th Century Wife of Bath Would Appreciate a 21st Century Spa
So would her creator, Geoffrey Chaucer, a justice of the peace and customs agent who wrote the first novel, The Canterbury Tales, in Middle English, in the 14th century. It was his plan to write 120 stories told by 30 pilgrims traveling to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket, a chancellor at age 21 to Henry II, one of the volatile Henrys to serve England as king.
They were buddies when…
February 11th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
The Only Solution to Clean the Washington, D.C. Cow Gutter: A 50/50 Power Split
The only way our democracy will survive attacks by the Republican Party is to make sure they keep investigating what the Democrats in power are doing “wrong” instead of doing “right.” We sure as hell don’t want them to actually start governing because they have no clue how to govern a democracy. The national socialism model of Hitler, Mussolini, and Trump is no way…
February 4th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
Can a Sick Society Recover from Plagues, Pandemics, and Pandemonium?
I wanted to check the dictionary definition of “pandemic”: Widespread; general; universal. In medicine: Epidemic over an especially wide geographic area. A pandemic disease.
Just under pandemic was the word “pandemonium”: “Any place characterized by uproar and noise. The capital of Hell in Paradise Lost. A demon, spirit.” I thought I’d better check “plague” before…
January 29th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
To ND Republican Legislators: Ignorance and Religion Is no Excuse
As a Minnesotan for my first 22 years and as an eight-year letter-winner in baseball and football in my high school and college years, I am a fan of University of Minnesota athletics.
I particularly watched Golden Gopher football during the 1970s because of the play of quarterback Tony Dungy, the first Black to play that position at Minnesota. He was named “Most Valuable” three years…
January 21st, 2023
By Ed Raymond
Should Politicians Be Arrested for Practicing Medicine Without a License?
After World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust, European playwrights who survived the war wrote plays about man’s existentialism and had the characters express what happens to a society, country, or world when human existence lacks total meaning or purpose and communication among the…
January 8th, 2023
By Ed Raymond
It’s Time to Kill a Virus that Has Killed a Million and Costs the U.S. $35 Million a Day
Legend Wheeler of Washington, D.C. found his father’s loaded gun in the living room of the family’s apartment, pulled the trigger, and killed himself while his father was in court for a hearing for two firearms offenses. Legend’s mother had often complained to his father about leaving loaded guns around the apartment. Legend was one year old.
In 2015,…
By Josette Ciceronunapologeticallyanxiousme@gmail.com What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…