Gadfly | October 30th, 2015
Bachelor Bishops And Misogynistic Muslim Clerics Conjure Up A Sex And Marriage Manual
Pope Francis and his cardinals and bishops have concluded a Vatican synod on whether the Roman Catholic Church should modify teachings regarding sex and marriage while their religious cousins, the Muslim Taliban, are busy treating women as chattel in countries they dominate. Both of these conservative, militant religions ignore and often denigrate the wisdom, experience and natural ability and brains of women. The British Medical Journal recently published a study which shows graphically that men do more reckless things than women. Analyzing 300 really stupid death cases reported for the Darwin Awards, the researchers discovered that 88 percent of the victims were male. One man shot himself dead with a “spy pen” while trying to convince a friend it was real. Two men tried to make an enraged elephant stand still while they took a “selfie” with it. The elephant trampled both to death. A French terrorist sent a postal package to a government office containing a bomb, but it was returned to him marked “Insufficient Postage.” He opened it and killed himself! Other research shows men are more reckless drivers, go to emergency rooms more often than women, commit more crimes, use more drugs, participate more in deadly extreme sports and act more on impulses. Here’s why: It’s the brain.
Dr. R.B. Ouellette, an expert on male-female relationships, writes, “From the very early stages of development, the brains of men and women develop differently. Weeks after conception, men receive a huge dose of testosterone and later a biochemical bath that severs much of the connection between left and right brains. This promotes competitiveness and focus at the cost of multitasking. Women get a heavy dose of estrogen which develops a more nurturing and caring nature. The result is a very different way of thinking for men and women. Men are more analytical with a laser-like focus, while women are much more intuitive and are able to juggle many tasks … A man can usually tell you exactly why he believes something. If he doesn’t trust someone, he would tell you that he caught the person in a lie or saw him keep back money that wasn’t his. In math terms he can “show his work.” Women don’t “show their work” but come to the right conclusion by intuition — their brain working faster than they can explain.”
Important Church Meetings For Thousands Of Years Have Been About Sex
There is little question that women are much better at understanding what makes for good relationships between men and women. That’s what makes sex and marriage so fascinating. Bishops attending the Vatican synod have admitted for the first time in history (that I know of) that they don’t know much about sex. What a revelation! A Vatican press spokesman admitted the following: “At the heart of the synod is human sexuality. And oftentimes it’s muted and we don’t know how to talk about it, because most of us in the room are male celibates.” One might think that Pope Francis and his fellow celibates would invite experts in to advise them about a subject that seems to mystify, taunt and excite them. The pope invited 14 couples and a few unnamed other lay people to attend the synod along with 74 cardinals, 270 bishops, and priests serving as secretaries. So adding all the males up, there might be about 400 males in attendance who have admitted their ignorance on the most important subject ever ruminated about in the Roman Catholic Church. At least for the first time they did ask seven experienced women for advice.
Sex has been the dominating bewildering subject of the seven great religions for thousands of years — and has proved to be perfidious, confusing and baffling for both clergy and pew sitters, or those bowing toward Mecca, particularly men. In Barcelona, Spain, rests the Pedralbes Convent where cloistered nuns lived during the Middle Ages. Families paid the Catholic Church large dowries to place their young girls there — forever married to Christ. Once the girls entered the convent the doors were closed behind them. Within the convent in a sheltered spot is the date 1426 scratched into the stone in Roman numerals. Underneath the date is a short statement in Gothic letters from an unknown nun evidently married unhappily to Christ: “Tell Juan not to forget me.”
The Holy Christian Bible And The Holy Muslim Quran Can Be Used To Support Any Theological Or Any Sexual Position
Both the Bible and the Quran are loaded with heavy breathing sex, whether it is about the 1,000 wives and concubines of Solomon or the ISIS (Islamic State) interpretation of sharia law when it comes to rape and sexual intercourse with captives and slaves. ISIS has printed and distributed a sex guide for use by its believers. It covers — and justifies — the subjugation of non-Muslim women and girls in sexual bondage. Human Rights Watch substantiates the guide with interviews with Yazidi women and girls who have escaped from ISIS camps. Yazidi women have been systematically raped and assaulted and forced into sexual slavery and forced marriages. The “guide” is an amazing document made up of questions and answers that supposedly describe sharia sex laws. The laws disregard universal condemnations of slavery and rape. Some examples from the guide:
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State “caliphate,” tortured and raped Kayla Mueller, the American humanitarian worker who was captured by ISIS forces and later killed in a Jordanian bomb raid. His rape and torture of her sent the message to his followers that such acts were sanctioned at the highest level. He also endorsed the sexual enslavement of women and girls. Some say it was a great recruitment tool for young men around the world.
The American ISIS And Taliban At Work
American Christians have restrained themselves from the time around the turn of the 20th century when they strung up a pregnant black woman who was protesting the murder of her husband. After setting her on fire, they cut open her stomach and dropped her almost full-term fetus on the ground where it was stomped to death by white Christian evangelicals. If you need more evidence of Christian brutality, read about the death of Sam Hose and Jessie Washington. A crowd of 10,000 Christians cut fingers, ears and other parts of Jessie’s body and kept them as souvenirs. Muslims continue to use beheadings, beatings, death by machetes and burning “infidels” to death in cages. When the ISIS-Taliban took control of Kunduz, Afghanistan, for two weeks, they revealed new atrocities. Any office that protected women was looted and destroyed. Any educated women who worked for the government or international organizations went into hiding or left the city. The Taliban sent text messages to all women, threatening them and their relatives. Hassina Sarwari, the director of a women’s shelter, was threatened by a local Taliban unit with this message: “Hassina Sarwari is an immoral slut, and if we capture her, she will be hanged in the main circle.” They poured pepper into the wounds of captured enemies, seared the hands of captives in vats of boiling oil, and blew up groups of blindfolded, tortured captives with explosives. Before blowing up those captives they pulled most of their teeth just to torture them.
However, the contempt American Christians show through all of their “stoopid wimmin” laws and policies reveals another type of war on women. Conservative Christians, particularly in the South, often quote Ephesians 5:22: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” Amanda Marcotte in her article “The Republican Party’s Contempt For Women Is Truly Breathtaking”asks this question: “Are women adults? It’s clear that a lot of conservatives … see women as large children with whom it’s legal to have sex … Many conservatives continue insisting that women … are simply incapable of making even the most basic personal decisions without a firm, guiding, preferably male hand.” This is the American Taliban at work.
Male Theologians And Politicians Playing The Master Gender And Expert Gynecologist
The District of Columbia has a law protecting women from workplace discrimination if they receive fertility treatments, use birth control or have abortions. The right-wing Republicans in Congress, saying they are trying to prevent a war on religious freedom while at the same time conducting a war on women, have held hearings about reproductive rights and are attempting to repeal the D.C. law. So here we have politicians playing God and doctor at the same time. Catholic bishops also love to throw their funny hats into the religious freedom ring and into the doctor’s office at the same time. A recent case in Michigan is illustrative. A Catholic couple faced some serious decisions when they learned that the pregnant Mrs. Jessica Mann, about halfway through the pregnancy, discovered she also had a life-threatening brain tumor. Her doctors recommended that she have the baby by cesarean section delivery and have a tubal ligation at the same time, thus eliminating one surgical procedure. The couple already had two children, so they decided they wanted the mother to be around the three children as long as possible. After all, another pregnancy might kill her. The Catholic hospital where Mrs. Mann had had her previous children refused to do the tubal ligation, citing a religious directive crafted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. This is the group that admits now they know nothing about sex and its results. Her hospital is part of the Ascension Health system, the largest Catholic and nonprofit health system in the U.S. The hospital told the couple this: “As a Catholic healthcare system, we follow the ethical and religious directives of the church.” Prior to the bishop’s directives, the hospital had performed a number of tubal ligations at the time of birth.
It is apparent we have two major Talibans in the world ignoring one half of the human race. The Southern Baptists and the Roman Catholic Church got rid of a lot of their torture and brutality in the Middle Ages by burning thousands of heretics at the stake and turning short heretics into NBA centers on the ingenious rack. The Muslim Taliban is now using some of those techniques. Former president Jimmy Carter has said that the abuse of women and girls is one of the world’s biggest challenges: “Many are strangled at birth by their parents or aborted when a fetus is determined to be female. Some 70 percent of the people sold across international borders now are females to be sold into sexual slavery.” Will Pope Francis’s synod take a serious look at the role of women in the church, society and home? It looks chancy.
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