Last Word | November 11th, 2016
The day after the election, I expected to be depressed but I rose invigorated. I have never been more centered on my core beliefs than I am right now. Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate only in that she herself couldn't bring this out in me. Donald Trump's presidency, however, has made me remember who I am. I am resolute. I have never been more ready to destroy them than I am now.
I am their Death.
I don't expect many readers of the High Plains Reader to have supported Donald Trump, but if they did, they gave power to a gormless Nazi. This is the banality of evil.
Supporters themselves may not be strict adherents to the Final Solution, but they joined Trump for careerist reasons nonetheless. Maybe they just wanted nicer boots and a bigger office. Maybe they were afraid the government would take away their 8-person hot tub they never use anyway. Only they know their reasons.
They ought to also know this: I will eat Donald Trump and people like him. No candidate in my lifetime has made me more ravenous, more hungry for flesh. I will eat them in courtrooms across this country. I will eat them as they hunch over their Thanksgiving dinner, choking on their racist words and green bean casserole. I will eat away at their cheap polyester suits on the floors of congresses across this country, leaving them stark raving mad for the world to see, disgusting and impotent. I will devour their way of life as I have always done.
I am Progress.
We have won so many hard-fought battles for so many rights. We have consistently outmaneuvered them at every corner but this one. Tuesday was indeed a setback, but I hear the bells ringing.
When you corner a wild dog it will snap at you and you will sometimes be bitten. You will bleed. Come hell or high water, though, that dog will be put down and burned in a pit with the other mangy curs and forgotten by history, and we will stand on their long forgotten ashes to relieve ourselves.
Over the next couple years, these thick-necked monsters will do their best to poison our air and water, but we always march forward, as wind and waves against their grotesque monuments. Lone and level sands are the natural state.
The saddest of truths is these wolfish gluttons have nothing of value to offer even the flock of people they fooled. They care only for themselves. Donald Trump isn't building a wall and he's not going to fight Wall Street. He'll invite the banks into the White House.
The only jobs that will be created will be overseas, in sweatshops. The byproduct of their greed is human suffering. They don't care. Human suffering is their vision of a better world. For them.
They will attempt to take rights away from the sick, from workers, from women, from muslims, from gays, from blacks and latinos, from every single one of us that doesn't smell like their filth. At every point we must be there to stop them. We must obliterate them, as we have always and forever done.
We must begin again today.
February 28th 2025
February 21st 2025
January 17th 2025
December 2nd 2024
November 23rd 2024
By Josette What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…