Letters to the Editor | March 8th, 2025
To the editor:
I have attended the Wellstone Academy Advanced Campaign Strategy training. One thing they emphasized, Don’t Do Stupid (DDS). It has become obvious my Dem-NPL friends no longer follow this practice.
HB 1242 (Shared Parenting) recently came to the house floor. It failed by one vote initially, and four votes on reconsideration. Not one Democrat voted in favor of this cost saving common sense bill. The bill was co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Tim Mathern. It is very similar to a bill passed by a combined margin of 182-3 in 1985 in liberal Minnesota.
Nutshell: when two parents cannot agree on custody, both are presumed competent. This presumption can be overcome with evidence. All D’s and some RINOS opposed this. Imagine going into a criminal court and having to prove your innocence, rather than the prosecutor prove you’re guilty. Oh, they will give you all kinds of anecdotal stories. It comes down to the Benjamins. When this was put forth as an initiated measure the ND Bar Association illegally donated money to oppose it. They settled out of court. Four attorneys testified. One retired general practitioner was in favor of the bill, three active family law attorneys were opposed. While there are many family law attorneys who do everything they can to hold expenses down and work for a negotiated agreement; there are others who simply see this conflict as a cash cow.
I encourage voters who support family values and mediation over expensive litigation to hold these people accountable in 2026. Here is a list of area Representatives who voted against shared parenting in the Fargo area: Conmy (d), Dobervich (d), Hager (d), Hanson (d), Schneider (d), Grindberg (r), Jonas (r), Stemen (r), Wagner (r), and Swiontek (r).
C.T. Marhula
Bemidji, Minnesota
March 8th 2025
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