Letters to the Editor | October 21st, 2024
Fred W. Evans
Concerned tax-paying citizens of North Dakota:
Taxes, taxes no doubt, we all don’t like taxes! As the saying goes, the two things in life are certain, death and taxes!!
Fair and equitable, what taxes are both fair and equitable? None, whether income tax, death tax, gas tax (electric-cars, free) or any other tax, there are always inequities, not fair, but regardless have to be paid!!
What about property taxes? Are they fair, and why is this an issue in 2024?
Here’s a thought, why this is even on the table this year, just think this through for a bit.
We all know that everyone hates taxes, with that being the case, a certain candidate for the U.S. House from North Dakota felt, in order to get “voter sympathy,” would start talking about the “unfairness” of Property Taxes, which was really quite effective, even though they lost their run for the US House seat. Constantly raising the “unfair” issue, have people awakened to an issue, which truly isn’t an issue. It was all a political ploy, to get votes!
Please, be aware of what’s really happening. We all, each of us, need to try to keep a bit of local control of our tax dollars. As of now, each county in North Dakota raises taxes from, mainly, “property.”
In Williams County 65% of their tax base is from pipelines, gas plants and facilities which are not taxed by the county, but the county gets the benefit. In Mountrail County, it’s a bit less than 50%. The counties are responsible for valuing land, businesses and homes for taxes.
What could be fairer? If you have made money, purchased land, house or houses, why not pay a tax, which then goes to support all of the benefits we have as a society, whether schools, police, fire-protection and on and on!
Over 50% of property taxes in North Dakota are paid by OUT-OF-STATERS!!
Think this through and please Vote NO on Measure 4.
Fred W. Evans, property tax payer in Mountrail County, North Dakota
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