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Soccer Mommy with Squirrel Flower at The Aquarium

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 18th, 2019

…Saturday, September 21, 8-11 p.m.The Aquarium, 226 N Broadway, FargoThe Nashville based “chill but kinda sad” bedroom-pop indie sweetheart makes and appearance in Fargo with support from Boston based indie singer songwriter Squirrel Flower. 

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Fargo-Moorhead Climate Strike

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 18th, 2019

…Friday, September 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.Fargo City Hall, 200 3rd St N, FargoFrom 11am to 2pm, we will join the rolling protests across every timezone. Pledge to strike with millions around the world on this global day of action. Demand that our political leaders at all levels of government address…

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Research and data collection around the web

by Chuck Solly | Culture | September 18th, 2019

…I am sure that you have reflected about how some of the web sites you use get your name or other facts about you, shopping habits, area of the country you live in or even your closest friends. The answer to your questions is data collection. Collecting data is valuable…

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​Do You have a router in your house?

by Chuck Solly | Culture | September 18th, 2019

…I guess I have to assume that most of you do. It is useful when you have more than one computer that you want to connect to the Internet. There are also many other advantages to owning a router but that is a story for another time. This time I…

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Are Elites Working Too Hard?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 18th, 2019

…It Takes More Than Money To Remain UnequalOne Percenters are complaining. It takes dedication, perseverance, innumerable hours, and a helluva lot of money to stay elite. The toil starts in early childhood. It is normal for the rich living in big cities to apply to at least ten kindergartens for…

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In Intra-Elite Battle: Dems Preferred the ‘Stache to the Donald

by HPR Contributor | Last Word | September 18th, 2019

…By Gary Olsonolsong@moravian.eduWhile actual leftists were elated by Bolton’s ouster, corporate Democrats were publicly circumspect and even critical, using terms like, abrupt, chaos in the White House, disarray in foreign policy, unstable situation and even “I’m legitimately shaken.”In part, this response is because expressing unqualified relief would be giving Trump…

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​A prairie sampler platter

by Sabrina Hornung | All About Food | September 18th, 2019

…It’s no secret that I like to explore the roads less travelled and rediscover some hidden gems along the way. In fact some of these small communities are all too well hidden gems. In a previous issue I offered a six pack of some of my favorite watering holes on…

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​All that’s fantastic

by Sabrina Hornung | Cinema | September 18th, 2019

…The year 2019 ushers in the 17th annual Fargo Fantastic Film Festival, which will be featuring over 250 films this year alone. The festival not only features filmmakers from over 40 countries, it holds a special section for local talent from all levels of expertise. We had the opportunity to speak…

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​Fall Equinox at Medicine Wheel Park

by HPR Contributor | Culture | September 18th, 2019

…By Kristin Gruberperriex1@gmail.comAmongst the many charms of autumn in Valley City, North Dakota, at the top of a huge hill, in a serene, semi-secluded area, you’ll find Medicine Wheel Park.The park offers 30 acres of scenic trails, 12 burial mounds between 500 and 2,000 years old, a 3,000 square foot…

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​Live That Fantasy: Lorene Scafaria’s “Hustlers”

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | September 18th, 2019

…Based on “The Hustlers at Scores,” Jessica Pressler’s 2015 “New York Magazine” article, Lorene Scafaria’s “Hustlers” dives headfirst into the world of sex work through the eyes of the women who make a living at it. Shaping her narrative around the complexities of female friendship and the pressures wrought by…

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