6021 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | August 22nd, 2018
…Tuesday, August 28 at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. North Dakota Museum of Art, 261 Centennial Dr, Grand ForksAward-winning singer-songwriter Fred Eaglesmith is fixin’ to rock your socks off and tickle your funny bone. He’s been characterized as “Johnny Carson meets the Rolling Stones.”
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | August 22nd, 2018
…Saturday, August 25, 3:30-8:30 p.m.Newman Outdoor FieldA wise man once said that “Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.” Soak up some sun and the beauty of being able to sample over 130 beers from local, regional and national brewmasters.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | August 22nd, 2018
…Saturday, August 25, 6-8 p.m.Kaddatz Galleries, 111 W Lincoln Avenue, Fergus Falls, MNMSUM alumni Naomi RaMona Schliesman will give her artist talk at 7 pm.The Silver Lining will be on display in the Kaddatz main gallery August 23 - September 29. According to her artist statement, “Her family’s frequent moves…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | August 22nd, 2018
…Thursday, August 23, 8-11:30 p.m. The Aquarium, 226 N Broadway, Fargo Genre defying experimental two-piece consisting of electric cello and drums.Kate Wakefield is an ex opera singer, has been writing and performing with live cello and vocal loops since 2014. Daisy Caplan was a core member of rock band Foxy…
by HPR Contributor | Editorial | August 22nd, 2018
…by Melissa Martinmelissamartincounselor@live.com Each year 44,965 Americans die by suicide, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.www.afsp.org/.Suicide rates increased in all but one state between 1999 and 2016, with increases seen across age, gender, race and ethnicity, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. www.cdc.gov/.Forty-six…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 22nd, 2018
…What Kind of Country Will Our Grandchildren Live In?Perhaps the developers of a new science called cliodynamics will help us find an answer. In this new field, scientists and mathematicians analyze history in the hopes they can find trends and patterns in order to predict the future. Remember the adage:…
by Jim Fuglie | Last Word | August 22nd, 2018
…The Bismarck Tribune’s Amy Dalrymple’s wrote a good story recently about a marathon Little Missouri Scenic River Commission meeting. I’m going to write more about that later. I’ll just say, for now, be careful what you wish for.What I’m writing about now is one of the things the Commission discussed—the…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | August 22nd, 2018
…Spike Lee’s stated desire to comment on current events through the colorful prism of a 1970s-set period piece reaps tremendous rewards in Cannes Grand Prix winner “BlacKkKlansman,” a startling and brilliant addition to the veteran filmmaker’s top tier. Loosely based on Ron Stallworth’s autobiographical memoir, Lee’s film dramatizes the utterly…
by Chuck Solly | Culture | August 22nd, 2018
…I just learned how to print to my home printer from anywhere in the world using my smartphone. I spent a half hour teaching myself how to do it. Was that 30 minutes that I will never get back?Can you do computer chores easily? Do you understand what the computer…
by HPR Contributor | Writer's Block | August 22nd, 2018
…by Randy Christiansonrandybchrstnsn@hotmail.com Harlan Ellison always liked rolling a grenade or two into the room before entering. If this were Readers’ Digest, I might call him The Most Unforgettable Boy I Ever Met. ‘Boy’ because, as I saw for myself, he let his inner child come out to play quite…