6014 results for the search:
by C.S. Hagen | News | April 23rd, 2018
…FARGO– A legislator, hopeful politicians, and business owners appealed to the governor’s office Monday morning with hopes of an executive order to fight the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of Net Neutrality.The Republican-led FCC voted last December to repeal Net Neutrality rules, which took effect on Monday. “The FCC has repealed…
by C.S. Hagen | News | April 18th, 2018
…FARGO – The day Tiffany Abentroth stood up before a thousand and more Trump-loving Republicans, she knew the GOP blessing was not within reach. She wasn’t even nervous about it. Still a Marine Corps staff sergeant, she squared her shoulders, and delivered the message with a confidence few others shared…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…Wednesday, April 25, 9pm-howlingThe Aquarium, 226 Broadway, FargoYou may have heard their sick beats on 95.9 lpfm on Friday’s from 5pm-midnight. Now you can dance your pants off in the presence of the minds behind ”The Riverside Redux,””The Weekly Rinse,” “This is Sugar” hosted by Josh aka DJ KLMNOP, “Dubnown”…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…April 20, 21 and the 26-28Askanase Hall at NDSU located at the corner of 12th Avenue North and Albrecht BlvdBased on the book by Barbara Park,, it’s the holiday season and Junie B. is gearing up for the class gift exchange. It’s all fun and games until her tattle-tale nemesis…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…April 21-22, 1pm-5pmCenter for creativity at Plains Art Museum, 720 1st Ave. N, FargoThis single weekend workshop walks participants through two different book binding processes. The pamphlet stitch and Japanese stab binding. Learn the basics and build from there! Participants will create their own soft bound journal.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…Saturday, April 21, 9pmThe Sanctuary Bar and Bistro, 9816 21st St. N, MoorheadWho’s onboard for a bit of the ‘ol razzle dazzle? Bad Weather Burlesque is back after a hiatus and ready to shake rattle, roll. Gear up for a night of burlesque, belly dance, and comedy.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…Saturday, April 21, 10am-2pmPrairie Roots Food Co-op, 1213 NP Ave FargoThis outdoor event will feature the Red River Market vendors you know and love. Something for everyone whether you’re looking to fill your pantry, household, belly or soul. Live music, food, art, and plenty of parking.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 18th, 2018
…Thursday, April 19, 5-7pmRadisson Hotel, 201 5th St S, FargoAn evening of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres celebrating 10 years of African Soul American Heart. ASAH just won a Spark Plug award from Giving Hearts Day for earning more than $30,000 in donations in less than 24 hours during Giving Hearts…
by Chuck Solly | Culture | April 18th, 2018
…Last week we talked about my lack of photographic skills and then what the heck am I going to do with all of these bad pictures that I take. Storage options for those pictures continues this week:RAIDAnother storage option is a technology commonly referred to as RAID, which stands for…
by C.S. Hagen | News | April 18th, 2018
…MOORHEAD – With fingers twisted by acute arthritis, Kevin “NeSe” Shores pushed the lever to propel his wheelchair into the Clay County Courthouse. His free hand clutched a large white banker box filled with documents. Folded in worn leather rested an iPhone, his digital eyes.A driver and assistant followed, told…