5979 results for the search:
by Jack Dura | Outdoors | August 18th, 2016
…North Dakota may lie off the beaten track for National Park Service sites, but beauty and history can still be found at the five sites within the state.The National Park Services turns 100 on Thursday, Aug. 25, celebrating a century of preservation of history, nature and unique areas within the…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 17th, 2016
…By Chuck Solleyrcsolly@gmail.com(row´ter) (n.) A router is a devicethat forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP’s network. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or more networks connect. Got that!…
by John Showalter | Music | August 17th, 2016
…“Noise music” might sound like an oxymoron to some. The first word calls to mind the harsh, chaotic, and abrasive, while the second word tends to make one think of the practiced, synchronized, and oftentimes catchy. But to Brandon Wald, the organizer, founder, and promoter of the first ever Fargo…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 17th, 2016
…By Faye Seidlerfayeseidler@gmail.com The question I get asked the most when providing training about trans issues is how to use the correct pronouns and what to do if you get it wrong. The first thing to understand about this is that it is okay to make mistakes, it really is,…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 17th, 2016
…When will Christians recognize the science of genetics?When some Fargo Catholics walked the seven-mile pilgrimage last week from the “holy door of mercy” on the Sts. Anne & Joachim Church to the “holy door of mercy” of St Mary’s Cathedral, I wonder if they thought of members of the LGBTQ…
by HPR Contributor | Arts | August 17th, 2016
…By Matthew Musacchiamatthew.j.musacchia@gmail.com Those passing by the corner of Broadway and Second Avenue in Fargo may have seen artist Jason “Squintz” Young. Often leaning over a project on the sidewalk with cans of spray paint in hand, Young is an artist who uses an entertainer’s permit issued by the city,…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 17th, 2016
…By Anne KrapuGiven that the Russians have intentionally violated the security of the confidential digital data of both major American political parties with the intent of causing problems with our 2016 federal election, let’s be honest folks, we’re at war. One of the downsides to democracy is that it is…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 17th, 2016
…By Morplay Katanamorplaykatana@gmail.comWhen you think of breakdancing, what do you see? Is it the Rock Steady Crew from NY? or maybe the scene in “Breakin’” with Turbo where he controls the broom with “magic” (read: fishing line), and Ozone teaching Special K the “street” side of dancing. Maybe it’s something…
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | August 17th, 2016
…Last month two new Blu-ray releases featured low-budget sci-fi movies about monsters we cannot see (thus helping keep the budgets low). Neither is a “classic” but both are able to hold attention with their earnest acting that belies their budgets and rapid shooting schedules, as well as their expression of…
by Sabrina Hornung | All About Food | August 17th, 2016
…Sanborn North Dakota is a small farming community a little over an hour from Fargo on the I-94, just past Valley City. It has a population of a little less than 200 people, and may be best known for their Bull-o-rama in mid-July, and Fourth of July events which include…