6012 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | February 1st, 2017
…Saturday, February 4, Doors 6 PM, Show 7 - 12 AMRamada Plaza and Suites, 1635 42nd St S, FargoOver 250 models will take the stage to model for Josef’s School of Hair Design’s 12th annual student competition. There will also be live entertainment, music and of course cutting edge fashion,…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | February 1st, 2017
…Saturday, February 4, 12 - 4 PMFargo VFW Club, 202 Broadway N, FargoThis event will consist of some of the best chilli from the area that you can taste after the judging process. While you wait, have a Coor’s Light or any beverage of your choice. The winner of the…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | February 1st, 2017
…Friday, February 3, 9 PM - 12 AMComstock Memorial Union 114, MSUM, MoorheadA drag show featuring both student and professional Drag Queens and Kings. The event is free but it is encouraged to bring a few dollars to give to the Queens and Kings during their performance. If you arrive…
by Chuck Solly | Culture | February 1st, 2017
…I have been asked many times about email. Email and texting are the preferred methods of communications among geeks. Most email services are free, so that is the good news. Yahoo, Google, and others, have standardized and simplified email. Texting is used by the thirty somethings and younger on their…
by John Showalter | Music | February 1st, 2017
…Fargo has had no shortage of musical talent come and go over the years. The musical scene in the area caters to any number of genres from folk to hip hop to metal. As far as electronic dance music (or EDM for the hip youth) is concerned, hardly a group…
by Seng Phengdouangdeth | Culture | February 1st, 2017
…If you were to perform a Google search for ghosts or hauntings in the Fargo/Moorhead area, chances are very likely that you’ll come across numerous stories that take place on college campuses. Ask almost any current student or alumni of the three universities, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Minnesota State…
by Sarah Schaan | Last Word | February 1st, 2017
…What was I before I was a feminist, before I even knew what that word meant?I was a proud daddy’s girlIn my mind, it meant that I was strong, independent and wild. I could be clever enough to figure out problems with my own two hands and ask the question…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 1st, 2017
…Dear Mr. President:I was born in 1932 during the Great Depression on 180 acres of sand and rocks near Little Falls, Minnesota. I played Anti-Over and Pump-Pump-Pull-Away with my 20 schoolmates from surrounding farms in a little country school for eight years. I thought I was living in a great…
by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | February 1st, 2017
…Back in December, journalist Danielle Nadler, a South Dakota native and MSUM alum, published “Without a Trace: The Life of the Sierra Phantom.” The book was the result of interviews with John P. Glover, a man who lived off the land with little human contact for 50 years in the…
by Chris Larson | Beer Snob | February 1st, 2017
…With Valentine’s Day approaching and stout season in full swing, I decided to share some impressions of some dessert beers I’ve recently tried. There are many sweet, confectionary-like brews available in a variety of flavors and with varying sweetness, but I have selected just four to bring to your attention…