6023 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 29th, 2016
…Tuesday, July 5, 8pmFormer Schumacher Goodyear Building, 409 Broadway, Downtown FargoTwo-act musical exploring the disastrous relationships between the tenants at Armadillo Acres, Florida’s most exclusive trailer park. Opened Off-Broadway in 2005. Long-running, great fun. Additional performances Friday and Saturday at 10pm. All seating is general admission. www.experienceblur.com
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 29th, 2016
…Monday, July 4, 10am-5pm, fireworks at 10:30pm1351 Main Ave W, West FargoAn old-fashioned family celebration with a barbecue picnic, horse-drawn wagon rides, pie social, caricatures, face painting, cow pie bingo, costumed historical figures, parade, inflatable games, and fireworks later in the evening. Movie, live entertainment and live demonstrations. (701) 282-2822
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 29th, 2016
…Monday, July 4, doors open at 8 pm fireworks start at 10:30pmMSUM Nemzek Field, 1104 7th Ave S, MoorheadIce cream social, rides, parade, huge fireworks display. Nemzek Field is behind Nemzek Hall, near the intersection of 6th Avenue South and 17th Street South, at the southeasternmost corner of the MSUM…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 29th, 2016
…From Friday, July 1,Nichole’s Fine Pastry, 13 8th St S, FargoStreet photography: everyday life, urban or rural. The beauty in every situation, if we just look for it. Encourages viewers to observe the beauty of chance moments in their own lives. Nichole’s is open on the first day of Lugo’s…
by HPR Contributor | HPR Abroad | June 23rd, 2016
…By Amy VennA need has developed in the LGBT community recently, both politically and personally. They are looking for solidarity, for a symbol of togetherness and progression in the face of adversity. The Oslo Fagottkor may be the answer, whether they like it or not.Oslo Fagottkor can be simply explained…
by HPR Contributor | Editorial | June 23rd, 2016
…By Tom BixbyOn July 22, 2011, Anders Breivik murdered 77 young people on the island of Utoya, in Norway. Norwegians call it 22 juli, July 22nd, and it’s as familiar to them as 9/11 is to us. In Norway, to own a gun, you apply to the police authority in…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | June 23rd, 2016
…By Ben RodgersChuck Klosterman poses the big questions that no one is asking in his latest book, “But What If We’re Wrong?” One of those questions regards the potential blight of football as it is known today, hundreds of years in the future. His ninth book hit the shelves earlier…
by HPR Contributor | HPR Abroad | June 22nd, 2016
…By Kaitlyn HussOur interview started in front of a mural that filled the entire side of a building. Brilliant with an electric blue background, the piece featured a Somalian man dressed in a spacesuit. Its creator, Cassius Erixon Fadlabi, posed for a photo in front of it with his arms…
by HPR Contributor | All About Food | June 22nd, 2016
…By Heather SchuerFood trucks to me are an indication that summer is here. It’s this amazing realization that there actually IS a season after winter, as hard as it is to believe sometimes in this state when we can still see (as tiny as they are) snow flurries on a…
by HPR Contributor | Cinema | June 22nd, 2016
…By Kaley Sievert“With this film, we hope to show the mainstream that Native American comedians are just as funny as Dave Chappelle, Louis C.K., and Gabriel Iglesias,” says Jon Roberts, comedian and member of the Red Lake band of Ojibwe. “If given the opportunity, [Native Americans] can give America a…