6012 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 18th, 2018
…“Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s Off To Work We Go!”How many undocumented workers are in the United States? Estimates range from 11 to 25 million. We need some history to understand why our immigration laws are in such a mess. The most important of our hundreds of immigration laws has…
by Särah Nour | Culture | July 18th, 2018
…On Tuesday the 24th, Homeward Animal Shelter will hold their 28th Annual Paws Walk at the Rheault Farm. All proceeds will go toward providing food, shelter, toys, and veterinary care for the cats and dogs currently residing at the shelter. As a community-funded, nonprofit organization, the shelter relies on donations…
by Sabrina Hornung | Music | July 18th, 2018
…When asked if he’s played many folk festivals Texas bluesman Scott H Biram flashed a mischievous grin and chuckled as he gave us a quick “Noooo.” As he opened his set on Sunday afternoon he informed the crowd that he was sent to “terrorize folk fest.” We had the opportunity…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | July 18th, 2018
…By AnonymousContact: fayeseidler@gmail.comBefore I can talk about my experiences, I’ll need to explain the intersex condition, because not many people are really that familiar with what it means to be intersex. Intersex people are born with biological, genetic, or physical traits that are not fully male or fully female - instead…
by Sabrina Hornung | Music | July 18th, 2018
…Paul Janeway of Saint Paul and the Broken Bones summed it up best during our interview backstage of the Main Stage at Winnipeg Folk Festival when he said “For me, folk music is really supposed to be the music of the common man. I think hip hop is just as…
by C.S. Hagen | News | July 17th, 2018
…FARGO – Kilbourne’s long-term dreams of a Dakota high-rise stirred resentment on Tuesday when the real estate company announced construction on Block 9 will begin next month, and could soon block Prairie Public’s broadcasting signal.Discussions between the Kilbourne Group and Prairie Public have been ongoing for at least five years,…
by C.S. Hagen | News | July 17th, 2018
…HELSINKI, Finland – While President Donald J. Trump disowned his own intelligence agencies on the world stage after siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, North Dakota politicians on both sides of the political aisle condemned him.“Russia poses a grave threat to our national security and our democracy,” U.S.…
by C.S. Hagen | News | July 16th, 2018
…FARGO – Attacks on comprehensive health care laws have been unrelenting, resembling ancient torture, proponents say. Since Republican firing squads have failed to hit their marks twice in dismantling the Affordable Care Act, they’ve turned to destroying the federal law piecemeal.A crucial argument against the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known…
by C.S. Hagen | News | July 11th, 2018
…NORTH DAKOTA – Jesse Stenson runs his family’s Centennial Farm, following in his great-grandfather’s footsteps. Originally, great-great-grandfather Johanes Stenson Hauge left Norway in 1855, and traveling by ox cart, squatted on land they were driven from by Dakota Sioux. For 21 years, Hauge tried his luck in America, facing severe…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | July 11th, 2018
…Boots Riley hallucinates a wildly funny feature debut with “Sorry to Bother You,” a sharp-fanged social satire that mashes up the innovative handmade aesthetics of Michel Gondry with the fierce truth-to-power consciousness of Spike Lee. As uneven as it is addictively watchable, the movie caroms from sharply on-point to murkily…