6017 results for the search:
by John Showalter | Music | November 8th, 2017
…Art often inspires other art across the fragile boundaries of medium. Literature, the visual arts, and music have all drawn inspiration from each other over history, perhaps even more frequently now in our lightning-fast Information Age. Classical music is no different, drawing inspiration from as wide-ranging source material as mythology,…
by Faye Seidler | Culture | November 8th, 2017
…Nobody is going to look you in the eye and tell you that choosing an insurance plan is easy, but when you’re transgender the choice can be twice as hard. I spend every year talking to our local insurance agencies to find out what is and isn’t covered for the…
by Jacinta Macheel Zens | Music | November 8th, 2017
…The Minnesota Music Coalition (MMC) is a St. Paul-based nonprofit that was created by music industry professionals to support the vibrant Minnesota music scene.Although they are based in St. Paul, they provide their services to all musicians throughout the state of Minnesota. Some of the many services they provide are…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | November 8th, 2017
…An impressive collection of visual art and fiction and nonfiction movies can be seen by the public during the inaugural North Dakota Human Rights Film and Arts Festival. HPR film editor Greg Carlson talked to organizer Sean Coffman about the events.HPR: For people who may not know you, can you…
by C.S. Hagen | News | November 8th, 2017
…FORT BERTHOLD – Olivia Keri Lone Bear disappeared approximately 15 days ago, leaving friends, family, and scouts puzzled. Why was no statewide alert issued? Why are the relationships between tribal and state police so strained? Why are police saying they have “other things to do besides look” for a missing…
by C.S. Hagen | News | November 7th, 2017
…FARGO – In what critics describe as a Presidential temper tantrum, Donald Trump scaled back subsidies to reduce premiums after striking out with his administration’s attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.The cuts slashed funding, narrowed the timeframe for health insurance hunters to enroll, and gave insurance companies…
by C.S. Hagen | News | November 4th, 2017
…MANDAN – Defense lawyers are whittling down the cases involved with the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy, but the sudden imprisonment of two last month came as a shock, and has activists wondering if the state is either being vindictive, or changing strategies.“I was singled out among many who were unjustly arrested,”…
by Annie White Carlson | All About Food | November 3rd, 2017
…A farmer’s day is governed by the sun. Work starts on our farm as soon as we can see and continues until we can’t. That makes for long days during the growing season. Our days are filled with caring for our livestock, moving fences for our rotational grazing systems, and…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | November 3rd, 2017
…Thursday, November 9, 6pmComstock House, 506 8th St S, MoorheadEvery Thursday this fall at 6pm, light refreshments and tours of the historic Comstock House. 7pm, classical music recitals by the talented students of the Concordia College Music Department. Child-friendly, 25 seats only. To reserve, call 218-291-4211
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | November 3rd, 2017
…Wednesday, November 8, 7-10pmSanctuary, 670 4th Ave N, FargoGenre-hopping six-piece celebrates the Day of the Dead. Wiseass wisdom, sharp songwriting honed over a decade on the road. Butcher Babies, from Los Angeles, depart from the overplayed, are noted for their explosive stage show. 701-404-9006