6021 results for the search:
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | May 10th, 2017
…Republic Pictures was a small movie studio that was active from 1935 to 1959. Although it produced and distributed a wide variety of genres, it is best remembered for its low and modest-budget B-westerns starring the likes of John Wayne and Roy Rogers, and its action-adventure serials. Representative examples of…
by Sabrina Hornung | News | May 10th, 2017
…“White Cloud came to us this way when she was brought in to Jamestown 19 years ago when she was brought in from Michigan North Dakota with the Shirek family. We picked her up and had a parade through town,” says Arnie Becker,White Cloud the albino buffalo’s former caretaker, “we…
by Sabrina Hornung | Theatre | May 10th, 2017
…When we had a chance to catch up with Corey Ruffin, the mastermind behind the Grand Rapids-based traveling burlesque troupe Super Happy Funtime Burlesque, he was at the repair shop getting a tune-up on their tour bus. The retired school bus is a veteran of the road and has accommodated…
by Judd Eskildsen | All About Food | May 10th, 2017
…This phrase has been mentioned as a joke many times through my childhood, and I never understood it. It seems that many of the older folks I’ve known through my life are in love with these giant, odd shaped fish. I however couldn’t get past their weird shape, thick skin,…
by Tom Bixby | Editorial | May 10th, 2017
…“I felt compelled to write,” said Dr. Lawrence P. Reynolds of NDSU in a recent letter to the editor, “because of the statements attributed to ND Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner (R-Dickinson), who said, ‘Everybody has to cinch it up,’ and then later stated he ‘was confident funding could be…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | May 10th, 2017
…WARNING: The following review reveals plot information. Read only if you have seen “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”In the sequel, the franchise, and the series, the dialectical tension pitting familiarity against novelty challenges the storyteller to thread the eye of the needle. “Is it is good as the first…
by Martin Beckmann | Music | May 10th, 2017
…To the outside world, Fargo, ND is possibly thought as nothing more than a boring, redneck infested, frozen tundra, or a flyover between coasts. In other circles, we are likely thought of as violent, odd speaking caricatures of Midwesterners because of how we’re portrayed in modern pop culture thanks to…
by C.S. Hagen | News | May 8th, 2017
…As the two-hour-long Fargo City Commissioners meeting prepared to adjourn Monday, Erin Buzick, an organizer of the recall petition for City Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, was given permission to speak. “Basically, I said that I understand that my inclusion in this community comes with a price tag to the city,” Buzick…
by Faye Seidler | Culture | May 5th, 2017
…Last week I shared why I was leaving North Dakota. The long and short of it is that by moving a few miles across a river I will gain access to healthcare I don’t have here and I will feel safer knowing that I live in a state that protects…
by Brittney Goodman | Theatre | May 4th, 2017
…FMCT, under the direction of Anna Carol, is bringing the Tony Award-winning Broadway hit, ‘Billy Elliot: The Musical’ to The Stage at Island Park May 5-7 and 11-14. The musical is adapted from the hit movie ‘Billy Elliot,’ and features music by Elton John and screenplay and lyrics by Lee…