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​DogIDs, for our furry friends

by HPR Contributor | Culture | June 5th, 2014

…By Rick AbbottDogIDs’ south Fargo office is pretty different than other offices. A huge, bounding Great Dane named Cyrus quickly makes his way through the building, with River, a yellow Lab, closely in tow. The business, which sells personalized, engraved dog tags and a slew of other accessories, was started…

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​Art for concerned strangers

by Diane Miller | Arts | May 29th, 2014

…Red Hat Project addresses and undresses human concernWould you reveal your biggest life concern to a complete stranger on the street?What if she were holding a camera, wearing a blazing red knit hat and asking you to exchange clothes? A number of locals said “yes” to Fargo artist Heather Zinger,…

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Empowerment to the People

by Amber Morgan | News | May 29th, 2014

…In the midst of North Dakota’s economic boom, the state is experiencing a rise in homelessness.Thousands of individuals are being drawn to the oil-fields in the western part of the state in search of work, but not everyone can find a job. Even some of the individuals who do find…

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Center for LGBT wellness

by Diane Miller | Culture | May 22nd, 2014

…Pride Collective and Community Center moving downtown; help neededFargo-Moorhead has its very own Pride Collective and Community Center. It’s been around for more than a decade, serving hundreds of LGBT community members and allies throughout the years. Yet still not many know of the establishment. Why?Location. The center was located…

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​We’re fracked

by HPR Contributor | News | May 22nd, 2014

…By Nicholas LeingangSince 2005, energy debate in the United States has been polarized by so-called “unconventional” fuels. These energy sources require additional technological and energy inputs during extraction and refinement — in North Dakota, this means millions of gallons of chemical mixtures, advanced drilling equipment, and high-pressure injections collectively known…

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​What flood?

by Amber Morgan | News | May 16th, 2014

…The difference between this year’s Red River flood predictions and the resulting flood was substantial enough for residents to wonder “What happened?”Forecasters predicted at one time that the crest could exceed 40 feet; however, they continued to lower their predictions partially due to snowfall later in the season and the…

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Super proof

by Diane Miller | Editorial | May 15th, 2014

…Our opinion/ “Siouxper drunk” shirts directly relate to the former UND mascot controversyA group of UND students caused quite an outrage on social media by wearing T-shirts that depict a Native American (similar-looking to the former UND mascot) drinking from a beer bong accompanied by the words “Siouxper drunk.”The students…

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Romo’s Tacos hits the mark

by Granville Wood | All About Food | May 15th, 2014

…Those of you who have visited this page over the past year will have heard me whine about the lack of good Mexican food in Fargo. This might seem odd to some as there are several Mexican restaurants around town, but frankly, many miss the mark. That has changed with…

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by Diane Miller | Music | May 15th, 2014

…This Friday, May 16, San Francisco alternative-rock group The Dodos will open for alternative singer/songwriter Neko Case at The Fargo Theatre for one of the most highly anticipated alternative concerts of the year.Alternative, indeed. Both The Dodos and Neko Case dig deep into their unconventional minds to express strange, yet…

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​KNDS 96.3 FM moves downtown

by Chris Hennen | Culture | May 15th, 2014

…KNDS 96.3, a low power FM radio station, recently moved its broadcast studio from North Dakota State University campus to High Plains Reader’s Brownstone office downtown on 8th Street. The move was made in part because NDSU is planning on demolishing the old studios to make from badly needed parking…

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