6014 results for the search:
by C.S. Hagen | News | September 26th, 2017
…Republicans fail again to repeal and replace ObamacareFARGO – If major league baseball rules applied to government, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act struck out Tuesday afternoon.Although the current administration’s latest attack against what has come to be known as Obamacare seemed doomed to fail for the third time,…
by Brittney Goodman | Culture | September 21st, 2017
…photo by Meg Luther Lindholm.Ibtissem (pronounced Ib-tiss-em) Belmihoub is both enjoying her time in Fargo as a doctoral student in Rhetoric, Writing and Culture at NDSU and a community volunteer. She is currently the Project Coordinator for The World in Fargo Moorhead social media project. Ibtissem is an Algerian citizen…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | September 21st, 2017
…Our opinion: We’re more than the sum of our partsOver the weekend I was telling a friend of mine that one of the most valuable things a person can gain in life is perspective. My time at the High Plains Reader has gifted me just that.Last week John Strand led…
by C.S. Hagen | News | September 21st, 2017
…BISMARCK – The Dakota Access Pipeline developer agreed to plant trees to reach a settlement over two misconduct allegations while constructing the pipeline on Wednesday. A total of 20,000 trees are to be planted by December 31, 2018 along the pipeline route, a total cost that will exceed the $15,000 settlement…
by Sabrina Hornung | Culture | September 20th, 2017
…When I travel I prefer to hit the backroads, exploring sleepy highways, scenic byways and hoping I don’t end up lost.I found myself on Highway 21 heading west to Mott the spot and stumbled across The Stern Homestead. Its earthy construction grabbed my eye and upon closer inspection I saw…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 20th, 2017
…Wed-Fri, September 27-29, 8pm; Sat-Sun, 2pmComstock Theatre, Concordia College, 901 8th St S, MoorheadIt is October, 1517, at Wittenberg University in northern Germany, where students and faculty begin another academic year. A comedy that reveals the story behind the stories of Hamlet, Doctor Faustus, and Martin Luther. Sounds like Copernicus…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 20th, 2017
…September 25-301340 Administration Dr, NDSU CampusParade, tailgating, reunions. We suggest discussion of Gov. Burgum’s conviction that universities must change radically. NDSU, we hope, will join Arizona State and Georgia State in the group of most innovative public universities. As for the game, we’re hoping for a score of zero concussions.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 20th, 2017
…Sunday, September 24, 2-4pmStarts from Dike East ParkA floating parade of canoes and their paddlers, decorated and in costume. Golden paddle award for best dressed vessel. Viewing areas: Heritage Park (enter from 6th Ave S in Moorhead) and river trails at 13th Ave S (enter from 12th Ave S in…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 20th, 2017
…Saturday, September 23, registration 10am, walk 10:30Prairie Public Downtown Studio, 207 5th St N, Fargo; 701-241-6900Marie Offutt, you came to the right place. We are and know a great many who answer to any geek or nerd description; and, if you don’t mind, also dorks and wusses who are not…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 20th, 2017
…September 22-24Red River Valley Fairgrounds, 1805 Main Ave W, West FargoThey were indoors, this year back out in the open. See numerous artisan repurposers of antique and other furniture. $5 admission, kids free, no age limit given. On Friday, 6-8pm, an evening of first looks and exclusive shopping, $20 admission.…