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​Restaurant Week in Fargo

by Granville Wood | All About Food | June 7th, 2017

…It’s Restaurant Week in Fargo and I sat down with three of the participants to find out a little more about them. It’s always nice to get to know some of the lesser-known chefs and owners who support our restaurant community. One thing we all agreed on was Restaurant Week…

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Front Porch Chats

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 7th, 2017

…Sunday, June 11, 2pm Stutsman County Memorial Museum 321 3rd Ave SE, Jamestown Explore the history and culture of Jamestown and the James River Valley on June 11 and every Sunday this summer, through August 27. Each chat has a different topic and speaker. Admissions to both the chat and museum are…

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​148th Annual White Earth Reservation Celebration and Pow Wow

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 7th, 2017

…June 9-123258 US Highway 59, Waubun, Minn.Community feast and blessing of the White Earth Pow Wow Grounds, Friday, June 9, 11am, feast at 12 noon. Celebration from June 10 at 8am. Singing, dancing in beautiful traditional dress, music and drumming, Princess and Brave Contests. 218-261-1599

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​Luna Fargo’s first-ever block party, in the alley behind

by HPR Staff | All About Food | June 7th, 2017

…I remember when I was growing up, how excited we would all get when we heard the words “block party.” In my neighborhood we held one every year or two and they were a ton of fun. The powers that be would block off the entire street, someone would roast…

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The gender maze

by Faye Seidler | Culture | June 7th, 2017

…Last week I talked about Transgender Cultural Competency Training and the benefits associated with getting it for any organization within the sectors of healthcare, business, government, outreach, and education. This is training that I offer at a sliding scale and this week I’ll be going more in depth into the…

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Disaster capitalism

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 7th, 2017

…How long does it take you to pay your Social Security taxes for the year?Jay Gould was one of the richest capitalists in the United States in the 19th century, bribing legislators, robbing, killing, and hiring a private army to fight labor union strikes over wages, hours, and working conditions.…

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​Amy Thielen: book launch and reading

by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | June 7th, 2017

…Last Thursday, Zandbroz Variety hosted a book launch and reading for Amy Thielen’s memoir “Give a Girl a Knife.” Though originally scheduled for May 25th, the event had to be rescheduled due to illness. Nonetheless, the turnout at Zandbroz was substantial, with pastry goods courtesy of Youngblood Coffee.“Give a Girl…

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​Homeward Animal Shelter: adoptable dogs

by Särah Nour | Culture | June 7th, 2017

…This Saturday, Homeward Animal Shelter will be teaming up with Prairie Brothers Brewing Company for Biscuits & Brews, a fundraiser and meet-and-greet for adoptable dogs. One dollar from every pint of craft beer will be donated to the shelter, while the dogs get some much-needed exposure that will increase their…

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​Summer wine season means a variety of rosé

by Chris Larson | Beer Snob | June 7th, 2017

…One of the true pleasures of spending nearly two decades in the local beverage industry is that I have seen so many changes within our market over the years. Driven by a strong local food movement, an influx of local breweries, wineries and even a distillery, the adult beverage crowd…

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​It’s in their blood

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | June 7th, 2017

…Surfer Blood’s 4th album, now with backup vocals“I was making fun of Tyler our drummer for having a really goofy surfer backpack with a little pouch for his surf wax and stuff like that. He told me I wouldn’t understand because I didn’t have surfer blood.” says Surfer Blood frontman…

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