6017 results for the search:
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | November 9th, 2016
…This Friday, November 11, is Veterans Day, once called Armistice Day, to mark the ceasefire that ended World War I hostilities on that date in 1918. It’s one of the very few national holidays that does not move to the nearest Monday (although it did for several years in the…
by HPR Contributor | Arts | November 9th, 2016
…By Jacinta Macheel Zens jacinta.zens@gmail.comHPR Editor Sabrina Hornung, is not just our writer and editor. She is also a talented artist who works in multiple media. An exhibition of her works will be on display at the Rourke Art Museum from November 4, 2016 to December 4, 2016. This exhibition,…
by HPR Contributor | Beer Snob | November 9th, 2016
…By Chris LarsonCjlarson75@gmail.com It’s BEER hunting time! This week I will be highlighting seasonal porters and stouts that are either new to the market or come around once a year. A few are quite readily available to experience over and over again, while others may be less than easy to…
by HPR Contributor | Cocktail Showdown | November 9th, 2016
…By Chris LarsonCjlarson75@gmail.com It’s once again time for the annual Cocktail Showdown in which our three judges experience and then highlight the best libation creations offered by a variety of local participants. Ranging from local tavern to fine cocktail bars, the showdown will bring our judges all across the metro…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 9th, 2016
…Our Nobel Prize winner for literature recognizes changeI have to write this column a day before the election in order to make a publishing date, so it will be interesting on November 10 to see whether Americans voted for “change” or not. Both politicians were running to make changes in…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | November 9th, 2016
…By Chuck Sollyrcsolly@gmail.comThumb drives are an important part of your computer system. They can be used to transfer files from one machine to another, install software on another computer’s hard drive, and hundreds of other chores. They can also be used for nefarious purposes such as injecting viruses onto a…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | November 9th, 2016
…By Faye Seidlerfayeseidler@gmail.com I established the Trans Mentor Program a year and a half ago, with the purpose of providing information, support, and resources around transgender issues for trans and non-trans people. Currently, I schedule appointments with people on Saturdays between 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m at either of the…
by John Strand | Editorial | November 9th, 2016
…Despite what many feared, the sun rose again Wednesday. And it will again, daily. The shockwaves of a Trump presidential victory reverberated around the world. Many people fell into a state of despondency, a pall cast over their world. Others were jubilant, a victory in hand for Americans who had…
by John Showalter | Music | November 9th, 2016
…When you think of an orchestra, what string instruments come to mind? Chances are the first two to come into your head are violins and cellos. In many cases, that’s not terribly far from the truth. Even FM Symphony Orchestra executive director Linda Boyd readily admits, “Orchestras tend to stick…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | November 9th, 2016
…By Amy Venn amyvenn86@gmail.comEva Mozes Kor stopped by Williston State College last Wednesday with her unique message of forgiveness and determination in the face of adversity. Kor’s startling recollection of her time at Auschwitz made the attending audience wonder how she could possibly have survived the Holocaust; but survive she…