6011 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | May 23rd, 2018
…Saturday, May, 26, 9 p.m.The Sanctuary Bar and Bistro, 9816 21st St. N, MoorheadDrag performances inspired by your favorite songs and movie moments along with movie trivia and prizes. See Best of the Best award winner Tequila Mockingbird in action!
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | May 23rd, 2018
…Thursday, May 24, 5-7 p.m.Studio 6, 6 N Broadway, FargoThe space will serve as an FMCT expansion featuring an 80-100 seat performance venue, a large rehearsal hall, and small practice spaces. The space will be an expansion of educational offerings for students and adults starting this fall and will be used…
by HPR Contributor | Last Word | May 23rd, 2018
…By Ken Smithkelandsmith@gmail.comWhen the State of North Dakota decided to sell the campus of the Ellendale Branch of the University of North Dakota following the disastrous January 1970 fire that destroyed the two main buildings, the town prepared a big color glossy brochure to attract potential buyers of the campus.…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 23rd, 2018
…Is Our Democracy Dying From A Koch Assisted-Suicide?The One Percent is going after wealth like Captain Ahab went after The Great White Whale. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal recently wrote about “the up-market way to prepare for Doomsday.” We already know of dozens of the American uber-rich buying up thousands…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | May 23rd, 2018
…“If I look like a kid on Christmas morning, it’s because that’s the way I feel right now. How I wish my parents could have heard the words you said about me,” Luci Baines Johnson said. She was preparing her commencement speech for Georgetown’s School of Nursing and Health Studies last…
by C.S. Hagen | News | May 23rd, 2018
…BISMARCK– At least one person in the North Dakota Republican Party knew about Will Gardner’s 2006 Peeping Tom incident, but no one in the GOP was alerted before the majority party endorsed him for one of the state’s most powerful offices, Secretary of State.Claiming he had forgotten the candidate’s name,…
by Faye Seidler | Culture | May 23rd, 2018
…Professionally people know me as a trans activist, educator, or community organizer. This is often the topic of my Trans Corner column. What they may not know is I’m an incredible geek who spends her time unwinding playing video games, reading books, watching anime, and everything else that made my…
by Logan Macrae | All About Food | May 23rd, 2018
…The organization Nature of the North is storming Fargo with their mission to get everyone out and in nature one way or another. This week’s attempt is a workshop featuring Cyrus Bickell of Disgruntled Brewing in Perham, MN. A man who is familiar with living off the land as he…
by HPR Staff | Culture | May 23rd, 2018
…“We need a science museum in this town.”That’s what NDSU Geosciences lecturer, Jessie Rock, and some of her colleagues and friends have been saying for years. She was quoted saying it in the Fargo Forum in April, and it was like a phrase that launched a thousand clicks. Rock received…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | May 23rd, 2018
…Writer-director Alexandra Dean’s “Bombshell” recounts the remarkable life and achievements of Hedy Lamarr, the Golden Age screen goddess whose physical beauty and career as a Hollywood actor long overshadowed her groundbreaking technological inventions. The documentary, which premiered at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival, will be broadcast on PBS as an…