6013 results for the search:
by HPR Contributor | Culture | September 7th, 2016
…By Chuck Sollyrcsolly@gmail.comI sure do. I used several of their volumes to flatten out things like my wrinkled 8th grade book report…I got a “C” on it anyway. I didn’t mean to take you back to the dark ages—the Encyclopedia Britannica is still a reference on the internet.The…
by HPR Contributor | All About Food | September 7th, 2016
…By Brittney Goodman and Barry NelsonAs part of Welcoming Week, September 16-25, restaurants owned by first-generation immigrants in Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo, and Dilworth are being highlighted and promoted. This is to expand restaurant patrons’ experiences by educating them about the wonderful diversity of food and culture within our community.…
by HPR Contributor | All About Food | September 7th, 2016
…By Abby Goldgoldabby@gmail.comDusk at Probstfield Farm in North Moorhead brings forth a timeless feeling of a slower life, one that accompanies the rhythms of family and hard work. Imagine the bustling farm, chickens in the yard, the kitchen garden close to the house, and peonies lining the driveway. When Randolph…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | September 7th, 2016
…Jon Spira’s “Elstree 1976” rounds up a group of bit players, extras, and background performers who just happened to be part of “Star Wars” before anyone had a clue that the film would become a popular cultural juggernaut. In the North London studio location where many sets had been constructed,…
by HPR Contributor | News | September 7th, 2016
…By Matthew MusacchiaOn September 1st, the Concerned Citizens of Buffalo, a group opposed to the proposed hog farm near Buffalo, North Dakota, announced from the front of the Cass County Courthouse that they plan to file an appeal against the North Dakota Department of Health. The appeal seeks to challenge…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 7th, 2016
…Will we ever get our priorities straight?The Pilgrims of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were the first Americans to pledge support of wounded war veterans after members of their “militia” were killed and wounded during the massacre of native Pequots in 1636. Caring for our veterans after 400 years of war…
by John Strand | Beer Snob | September 7th, 2016
…By Chris Larsoncjlarson75@gmail.comNorth Dakotans are nationally known for our appreciation of adult beverages. Despite our notoriety, we often get overlooked by nationally popular distillers and wineries. It seems that craft breweries have noticed us, though, as we have been blessed with numerous breweries launching into the North Dakota market in…
by HPR Contributor | Music | September 7th, 2016
…By Jacinta Macheel Zensjacinta.zens@gmail.comHPR: How and when did you become involved in the group Wide Eyes?SA: I joined Wide Eyes in late 2004. Little known fact: when I first met Tony & Dimitry (of Wide Eyes) they were already making music under the name, but it was a 2 piece…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 7th, 2016
…Thursday, September 15, 7-11pmThe New Direction, 14 Roberts St N downstairs, FargoLast shows at the city’s only DIY venue, rap and hip hop by Nappy Niglet x Dono Gerard, Triz, Mil, and Cody Stroh. $7, all ages. TND say it’s the last rap show, but Ryan Hoffart says there’s another…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 7th, 2016
…Tuesday, September 13, 9:30pm-12:00amThe Aquarium (Dempsey’s upstairs), 226 Broadway N, FargoTerror Pigeon: loving, fun, truthful, polite, pal incarnate; Real Dom: simultaneous dance, perspiration, and mystical powers; Uncle Dad: ready to bring it, this is gonna be crazy; no gals in GALS but they do look good in wigs; Sleep Mask:…