6006 results for the search:
by Paige Johnson | Music | June 29th, 2017
…Here comes summer, full of sun, ice-cold drinks, and of course, music festivals. From the southeastern most corner of Minnesota to north of the very north of North Dakota, HPR has compiled enough music festivals to enhance any music lover’s summer nights and days. CanadaWinnipeg Folk FestivalJuly 6 – July…
by Jacinta Macheel Zens | Music | June 28th, 2017
…Former HPR editor, musician, and current lead music promoter at The Aquarium, Diane Miller took some time out of her jam-packed schedule to sit down with HPR for an interview. She filled us in on why she works at The Aquarium, how important she thinks the venue is to the…
by John Showalter | Music | June 28th, 2017
…Some of my favorite interviews are with musicians and bands. They’re often relaxed, casual, and I might get a drink or two out of them. Of course, we were at the Bismarck on the night of the interview because, as banjoist Mike Schmidt put it, “The Bismarck is for business,”…
by Faye Seidler | Culture | June 28th, 2017
…Whether Chelsea Manning likes it or not, she’s becoming an icon with the same mythic status as Laverne Cox or Caitlyn Jenner. To be honest, I didn’t know much about Manning and I never formed much of an opinion about her over the last seven years, until her gender identity…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 28th, 2017
…How many Americans shot themselves or others today?We won’t know for awhile how many Americans were KIA or WIA from firearms on June 14, when Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise of the House was critically wounded by some of the 71 rounds fired by James Hodgkinson and the police.Actually it…
by Chris Larson | Beer Snob | June 28th, 2017
…If you plan on celebrating the Fourth of July with friends and family in Minnesota lakes country, the new Boundary Waters Box twelve-pack sampler by Summit Brewing is a worthy companion for any of your summer adventures. Newly released this spring, it brings two special beers alongside Summit’s most iconic…
by Paige Johnson | Arts | June 28th, 2017
…Brittany Anderson’s travels have led her to many places, from Bismarck to Moorhead, Iceland to Switzerland and North Carolina back to North Dakota. Rather than documenting a place with a camera, Anderson chose to use her paintings to express the attitude and environment of the places she’s stayed.On view now…
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | June 28th, 2017
…Ancient Egyptian mummies have held a fascination for filmmakers and moviegoers for more than a century. Amazingly, over two dozen movies with mummy themes were produced between 1903 and 1919, most of which are now lost films. The 1920s saw a few more mummy pictures, but the most famous mummy…
by Sabrina Hornung | Music | June 28th, 2017
…Jolene, Allison, and Eleanor Rigby are all very different characters made famous by pop songs, but have you ever wondered how they felt about their situations?Singer-songwriter Esme Patterson’s latest concept album “Woman to Woman” sings their stories from their perspectives.We had the opportunity to speak with Patterson via phone interview.…
by John Strand | Music | June 28th, 2017
…Buck Meek of Big Thief on touring, Adrienne and ‘Capacity’Photo credit: Shervin LainezBuck Meek, guitarist for Big Thief, the Brooklyn-based indie band, and songwriter, vocalist and guitarist Adrienne Lenker’s paths crossed a number of times before they finally had a chance to connect. Soon, a beautiful friendship blossomed and their…