6012 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 7th, 2016
…Saturday, September 10, 5-7pm The Spirit Room, 111 Broadway N, Fargo Human reliance on technology in the form of digital prints and drawings. Michael says, “The works in this show are a call for the concrete…being able to transmit an idea efficiently requires a stripping away of abstracts in order for…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 7th, 2016
…Friday, September 9, 4-11pm610 University Dr N, Fargo30 beers, 12 casks, 3 original lemonade infusions, and their new Scottish Wee Heavy beer. 2 stages, 7 bands: Diane Miller, Pat Lenertz, Moody River, Tom Peckskamp, Flatlands, Boots. Their address is weird. The entrance is on 7th Avenue North, across the street from…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 7th, 2016
…Thursday, September 8, 6-8pmEcce Art Gallery, 216 Broadway N, FargoProfessor Guan goes on investigating the possibilities of landscape, repays repeated visits. He’s an original, yes, but the first time we saw his work we shivered, because Caspar David Friedrich lives on in him. Do not miss.
by John Showalter | Culture | August 31st, 2016
…Sure, I went to the University of Northern Iowa and not North Dakota State University (and no, I’m not invested in the athletic feud between the two schools unless I’m trying to rile someone up), but I imagine that many elements of the college experience are universal. I don’t claim…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 31st, 2016
…By Chuck Sollyrcsolly@gmail.comThe business computer world has this problem called Ransomware. Hackers want to extort money from businesses by a denial-of-access attack that prevents computer users from accessing their own files. The files are encrypted and the bad guys have the password to un-encrypt them. These Hackers are generally after…
by John Strand | Culture | August 31st, 2016
…By Amy Venn amyvenn86@gmail.comOnline degrees have given new opportunities and new meaning to higher education while steadily growing in popularity this last decade. One out of seven college students are enrolled in full-time online programs, and that number is expected to increase. The digital degree trend has set the stage…
by Sabrina Hornung | Arts | August 31st, 2016
…“I took a drawing class in high school and have drawn simple pictures since i was very young.” says NDSU art student Emma Beatrez, “ I never really painted before my freshman year of college so it was quite unexpected that i took this route and decided to emphasize in…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 31st, 2016
…By Faye Seidlerfayeseidler@gmail.comI’d like to welcome everyone to a new school year! I’m sure every student out there has been blasted with more stimulus and information than any human can rightly handle, but if you’re under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, let me answer some common questions about the Fargo–Moorhead area!What are…
by John Strand | Editorial | August 31st, 2016
…In case the North Dakota governor’s office has not figured it out yet, someone needs to tell them what an embarrassment they are. The Dalrymple-Wrigley team could not mishandle the Standing Rock protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline more than they already have, short of deploying the National Guard.In our…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 31st, 2016
…By Ben Haugmobenhaugmo@yahoo.comWe often take for granted how much potential our smartphones possess. It’s easy to forget that our pocket-sized bricks of plastic and circuitry surpass much of the computer technology of the past. Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has said that the power of a smartphone today outmatches that of…