353 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 11th, 2016
…What makes billionaires think they know what’s best for society? Could it be lots of money?When 2,500 billionaires and global leaders met in Davos, Switzerland, in January of 2016 to discuss who was going to get the largest slices of the economic pies baking in the ovens of capitalism, the…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | January 28th, 2016
…The world is becoming a better place—but are we becoming a better people?The other night I watched James Billington of the Library of Congress award 82-year-old Willie Nelson the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. I am not a fan of country music, Willie’s main talent, but he…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | December 4th, 2015
…Of Toilets, Planned Parenthood, and Life-Saving Cell ResearchNeil deGrasse Tyson, perhaps our most articulate spokesman of what science is, outlines what it is in two relatively short sentences in his Huffington Post blog: “Science distinguishes itself from all other branches of human pursuit by its power to probe and understand…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 24th, 2015
…What Happens When a Woman “Sculpts Her Universe?”Roman Catholic Sister Joan Chittister of the Benedictine Order should have been called by Pope Francis to lecture the recent Vatican synod, composed of about 400 bachelor bishops and cardinals and seven married couples, on what role women should play in the church.…
by HPR Staff | News | November 24th, 2015
…Hall"I’m thankful to be alive at 83 and that I have a great partner of 61 years, need to get up only 2-3 times at night, have most of my faculties, and can bitch, moan, and I have a good day every day.” - Ed Raymond, The Gadfly gadfly
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 20th, 2015
…This Is the Way Our Empire Ends—Not With a Bang but a WhimperT.S. Eliot in his poem “The Hollow Men” muses about “This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms,” describing how men and politicians react to the end of empires. At the end of the poem he signs off: “This…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 1st, 2015
…A Black Man Who Wants To Eat At The Dining Room Table All Of The TimeSince the institutional murder of New York City’s Eric Garner for selling loose cigarettes, the institutional murder of Detroit’s 12-year-old Tamir Rice for loitering in a park, the institutional murder of Baltimore’s Freddie Gray after…
by Rob Port | Say Anything | August 26th, 2015
…North Dakota is generally a very transparent state, due in no small part to open records laws that are very simple and very broad.But there is room for improvement.Case in point, three years ago North Dakota State University women’s athletics director Lynn Dorn was suspended without pay for some sort…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 15th, 2015
…Imagine Being Gay In Grassy Butte Or Willow CityMemo to the North Dakota House of Representatives: The times they are a’changin.’ Science continues to rip away the shroud of ignorance surrounding religious beliefs. Perhaps baseball fans recall a player by the name of Billy Beane who played for the Dodgers,…
by Diane Miller | Editorial | March 4th, 2015
…Gadfly, is sharp, smart, funny, unapologetic and, yes, very liberal. He’s easily our most well-known columnist for all these reasons, including the fact that he’s been writing this column for more than a decade. What is he, like, 80-something years old now? We adore him.Conservative political writer Rob Port is…