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​A trifecta of local lore

by Sabrina Hornung | Culture | October 30th, 2019

…One of my favorite things to do is to drift along the roads less travelled in search of finding local lore—especially ghost stories. In the spirit of Halloween we thought we’d share a few. What kind of stories circulated around your hometown? We’d love to hear from you. Afterall, a…

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​Making a scene and being heard

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | October 18th, 2019

…Last week we had the opportunity to attend the Climate Change Forum at Standing Rock High School in Fort Yates. If there was one word to describe the experience it would be inspiring. Tribal elders, Executive Director of Indigenized Energy Cody Two Bears, and teenage activists Tokata Iron Eyes and…

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​Excavating Whiskey: HPR catches up with Dr. George Holley

by HPR Contributor | All About Food | October 2nd, 2019

…By Jill Finkelsonjsfinkelson99@gmail.comAt the turn of the century, prohibition was the hot topic and the “Wets” and the “Drys” made their way across the country. They clashed at the Red River where Fargo and Moorhead met on the way west. Dry North Dakota allowed a boom at the border. The…

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Mutiny on the Bounty

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | October 2nd, 2019

…Last weekend, my friend and I were exploring the back roads of rural Eddy County, collecting wild plums and running dogs. We stopped into a little country bar, chatted with the locals and we were enjoying ourselves until one guy looked me in the eye and told me that “If…

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Folk arts make happy hearts

by HPR Contributor | Arts | September 25th, 2019

…By Lonna Whitinglonna@lonna.coNot long ago at a North Dakota nursing home located in Nelson County, a storyteller from The North Dakota Council on the Arts helped an elderly woman express in writing an important milestone from her long life as part of the Art For Life program.In the story, the…

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​A prairie sampler platter

by Sabrina Hornung | All About Food | September 18th, 2019

…It’s no secret that I like to explore the roads less travelled and rediscover some hidden gems along the way. In fact some of these small communities are all too well hidden gems. In a previous issue I offered a six pack of some of my favorite watering holes on…

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Happy 25th Birthday, HPR

by John Strand | Editorial | September 4th, 2019

…Sabrina Hornung.Week in and week out, our little core group of people puts in a yeoman’s effort to get HPR out to each of you. Jay Earl Miller is key to our sales effort and has been for a decade and a half. Tom Bixby is family and writes, edits,…

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The power of song

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | August 21st, 2019

…In this issue David Crosby said, “You know, music is like a lifting force. It makes things better.” Truer words have never been spoken. This week we decided to change things up a bit and offer our readers an exclusive music issue. We chatted with Maria Cree in Minot to…

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by C.S. Hagen | News | August 14th, 2019

…FARGO – Farmers don’t talk politics at the elevator, it’s almost an unwritten rule. But when the trade war with China broke out, conversations changed.“Now every time I go to the elevator it’s fricking Trump this and fricking Trump that,” Todd Leake, a farmer, said. “When they’re listening to the…

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​Let’s get folked up

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | August 7th, 2019

…When you think about the genres of folk and punk, the genres may seem quite different at first glance, though both were built on the spirit of DIY. I mean, what’s more punk rock than Woody Guthrie’s guitar painted with the words “This machine kills fascists?” Combine the genres and…

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