February 8th, 2017
During the early days of my transition, I came out to a friend of mine as transgender. His reaction to that was asking “Do you mean like RuPaul?” I didn’t know how to answer that question because, at the time, I had no idea who RuPaul was.
So, later that night, I did some research on RuPaul and started to get really offended because I realized my friend was comparing my transition to the life of a drag queen.
I was offended because that comparison amounted to calling my identity a…
February 1st, 2017
I have been asked many times about email. Email and texting are the preferred methods of communications among geeks. Most email services are free, so that is the good news. Yahoo, Google, and others, have standardized and simplified email. Texting is used by the thirty somethings and younger on their smartphones because it is more immediate. This, of course, brings it's own set of problems such as walking into things while texting and running into things while driving. Most of my…
February 1st, 2017
If you were to perform a Google search for ghosts or hauntings in the Fargo/Moorhead area, chances are very likely that you’ll come across numerous stories that take place on college campuses. Ask almost any current student or alumni of the three universities, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM), or Concordia, and they could probably give you details of the rumors or stories they had been told about strange happenings that have occurred in…
February 1st, 2017
The Fargo Downtown VFW Derby for the Vets (DFTV) is full speed ahead, promising an afternoon of fun and fundraising for our veterans on February 18, 2017. And you still have time to build, register, and race your own pinewood derby car in this year’s event. To celebrate the fifth year of the event, DFTV also has a special logo from Spider & Co.
Dan Jacobson, DFTV Director, is anticipating 100-plus entries this year between the standard race, the Mayor’s Challenge, and the Brand…
January 26th, 2017
It’s that time of the year, the mean winter blues are starting to sink in, and one of the last things on your mind might be the thought that winter can be fun.
Frostival is a celebration and series of events highlighting the lighter side of winter and was the brainchild of Fargo-Moorhead Convention & Visitors Bureau CEO Charley Johnson. The idea was to embrace winter, get people outside, and be active.
We had a chance to catch up with Nicole Holden, the Director of Marketing from the…
January 25th, 2017
I have a love-hate relationship with downhill skiing. Every year in elementary school, us kids would be treated to a trip to the local ski hill for a day. The first time I went, the experience was completely new to me and I struggled to even latch the rental ski boots onto my feet. The second time, I was a little more confident with skiing, but wound up getting sick and vomiting on the car ride home. On my last annual elementary ski trip, I didn’t feel like I’d throw up, so I left…
January 25th, 2017
Colin Mochrie, of “Whose Line Is It Anyway,” recently became a trans advocate after his daughter came out as trans. He saw how hostile the world is towards trans individuals and wants to take a stand to show everyone that he, and his whole family, support his daughter.
This year, more than ever, we are seeing people standing up for transgender individuals. This is due to a greater amount of visibility for issues such as discrimination, violence and injustice that trans people face…
January 18th, 2017
FARGO - In grade school, Shaun King was the class clown, outgoing and funny. The light-skinned 37-year-old writer and civil rights activist was more concerned with clothes, music, and girls, than racism.
In high school his world fell apart. At first, the attacks came in the form of sticks and stones -- racial slurs, a Gatorade bottle filled with chewing tobacco spit thrown in his face. Fistfights became common; he was chased by white boys in pickup trucks, he said. In March 1995 the…
January 18th, 2017
Video games have always been a large part of my life. I can still remember when I was about six years old, picking up a Nintendo controller and playing Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers at my grandma’s house. I was fascinated with the ability to control an avatar and captivated by the difficulty of the game.
As I grew up, I started to appreciate games for more than the difficulty and challenge to overcome tough odds. I appreciated them for the escape it allowed me, because I was able to…
January 18th, 2017
One of Fargo’s best known areas for paranormal experiences lies in the absolute northern region of the city within one of the many parks that the city is famous for. Through a few stages and gazebos, playground equipment, and the metal nets of a Frisbee golf course occupy the park’s grounds, something more exists beyond the sight of the living, lingering around those who come to spend their leisure time here. For quite some time, the park has been developing a reputation for the…
By Josette Ciceronunapologeticallyanxiousme@gmail.com What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…