6011 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 11th, 2019
…Am I Left-Handed Because Of Genes? Am I Heterosexual Because Of Genes?I celebrated International Left-Handers Day in the middle of August. I entered First Grade at District #54 in Morrison County as a lefty and left it as one after defeating a teacher who tried to turn me into a…
by HPR Contributor | Editorial | September 11th, 2019
…By Zach Nerpelzachnerpel@gmail.comEvery Summer, I perform the same tired dance routine trying to convince myself to make the most out of the limited weather. Go outside and experience nature more, you schlub! Walk around some trees or something and observe the woodland sprites, in the process learning more about yourself.…
by Ryan Janke | Culture | September 11th, 2019
…This past week, Shari Lindsley had the chance to live out the dream of a lifetime when she participated in the USA Powerlifting Athlete Camp which was held at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Shari was one of 35 powerlifters who had the opportunity to train under…
by Sabrina Hornung | Music | September 11th, 2019
…When asked to describe their sound, Max Dameron guitarist and vocalist of the Portland, Oregon based two piece Wizard Rifle replied: “People call us a doom band sometimes which I think is funny because we are pretty spazzy.” On multiple platforms their sound has been categorized as psychedelic, sludge or…
by HPR Contributor | All About Food | September 11th, 2019
…By Kristin Gruberperriex1@gmail.comThe High Plains Reader spoke to Chase Nelson of Nelson Farms about why his farm chose to specialize in the unique Aronia berry, and the upcoming festival celebrating it.HPR: Can you tell us about Aronia berries, and how they came to be a focus of Nelson Farms?Chase Nelson: The Aronia…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | September 11th, 2019
…Marketed as “The Banana Splits Movie” even though the only on screen titles stick with “The Banana Splits,” Danishka Esterhazy’s bottom-shelf slasher flick marks the first R-rated adaptation of a Hanna-Barbera property since the dawn of the brand more than 60 years ago. A brazen attempt to cash in on…
by HPR Contributor | Theatre | September 11th, 2019
…By Scott Eckernotharrisonford@gmail.comOn Wednesday, September 11th the tour of We Will Rock You is coming to BlueStem in Moorhead. We Will Rock You is a jukebox musical based on the music of Queen that originated in West End in 2002. This tour is coming out of Canada and will be…
by John Showalter | Music | September 11th, 2019
…As children, school lunches were something many of us likely took for granted. For those who went to public schools, school lunches were as ubiquitous a part of the public school experience as running the mile in gym class or taking standardized tests. Life was simple. However, when we grow…
by HPR Staff | Culture | September 4th, 2019
…By Raul Gomez, Publisherraul@hpr1.comI have come to think of the High Plains Reader, not as an extension of John Strand or myself, but as its own living breathing entity that wants and feeds and strives for its own personal fulfillment. And sometimes when I look back at where it started,…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | September 4th, 2019
…Thursday, September 12, 6-11 p.m.HoDo, 101 N Broadway, FargoThe last of the parties for the rooftop season! Lots of electro funk and saturated house vibes with some surprises planned for you beautiful folks. A night for the homies, old and new, featuring special guest, Grandpa’s CLoset from Minneapolis.