6013 results for the search:
by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | February 6th, 2019
…Next Friday, local author Laetitia Mizero Hellerud will host a reading for her latest nonfiction book, “Turning Points: True Stories of Thriving Through Adversity,” at Zandbroz Variety. This event will be free and open to the public, with copies of the book available for purchase. While Hellerud’s previous book, “Being…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | February 6th, 2019
…Last winter HPR grieved with Gary and Madeline Krapu of Valley City over the unexpected and untimely death of their daughter Anne Krapu. Anne, 31 had been a contributor to HPR and Valley City Times Record for nearly half of her life covering popular culture, politics, and social justice issues.…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | February 6th, 2019
…By DanSr.dandakotadan@yahoo.com Fargo VFW Post 762 & Auxiliary present: Derby for the Vets ~ Adult Pinewood. Popularity continues to grow in the Fargo metro community, and now in its seventh year it has become a staple and downtown’s annual release from the long winter. The unofficial start to summer racing season…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | February 6th, 2019
…While his Fred Rogers documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” arguably captured more attention than any nonfiction feature released in 2018, Morgan Neville’s other big project, “They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead,” deserves careful examination by anyone who loves movie history. A companion piece to the posthumous release of Orson…
by C.S. Hagen | News | February 5th, 2019
…MANDAN – The last trials for 836 activists arrested during the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy have finished, with a large majority of the cases dismissed. On Tuesday, the state’s final court case was against Katrina Silk, who was found not guilty of engaging in a riot, disobedience of safety orders during…
by Chris Larson | Cocktail Showdown | January 31st, 2019
…It’s always good to be missed and I’ve heard the same phrase, or a variation of it, from many readers over the last month or so….”when are you (HPR judges) starting the Cocktail Showdown?” While this year’s edition of the High Plains Reader’s Cocktail Showdown has begun a bit later…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | January 30th, 2019
…By Gabrielle Herschgabby gabbyhersch@gmail.comIt was about a year ago when I turned to my friend and said, “Dude, we should start a podcast.”“Okay,” he said. “What do I have to pretend to be an expert in?”But podcasts – especially the more recent ones in the ever-evolving and growing world of…
by C.S. Hagen | News | January 30th, 2019
…BISMARCK – Forty-three years ago, North Dakota became the 34th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, and now white male legislators want to take it back. Republican Representative Chuck Damschen proposed House Concurrent Resolution 3037 to the Sixty-sixth Legislative Assembly, to withdraw the state’s ratification of the 1972 bill.…
by HPR Contributor | Music | January 30th, 2019
…By Jacques Harvieuxjacquesthejock@gmail.comTo live in the Fargo-Moorhead area and not have heard of D Mills and The Thrills would be nearly impossible. The rapper and band have been all over town opening up for acts from all over the country and filling venues all around the region. Diane Miller the…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | January 30th, 2019
…Thursday, February 7, 6-8:30 p.m.Dakota Medical Foundation, 4141 28th Ave. S, FargoSouth Sudan READS invites you to a potluck and conversation among immigrant communities. Dr. Gatluak Thach is the keynote speaker and is a refugee, activist and founder of Nashville International Center for Empowerment(NICE).