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​‘S Is for Stanley’ shares stories of Kubrick as told by his driver

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | June 28th, 2017

…Now available on Netflix following a lengthy film festival run, Alex Infascelli’s “S Is for Stanley” is required viewing for Kubrick obsessives and cinephiles. Based on Emilio D’Alessandro’s memoir “Stanley Kubrick and Me,” the documentary presents a chronological account of the relationship between the legendary filmmaker and the unassuming family…

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​Norwegian concert planning organization gives kids power

by HPR Contributor | HPR Abroad | June 28th, 2017

…By Amber AinsworthRockslo, a concert association in Norway’s capital city of Oslo, introduces youth to music by immersing them in the process of planning and executing concerts.Since 2013, Rockslo has been a place for young people to work behind the scenes in the music industry. From booking to marketing to…

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​Senate Health Care Repeal Plan Not a ‘Rescue’ for North Dakotans

by C.S. Hagen | News | June 28th, 2017

…FARGO - The proposed Senate bill that would overturn ObamaCare is called a “rescue mission,” but only for the rich, and not for those who are suffering in North Dakota, according to analysts. It is a bill offering breaks for the rich and handouts to special interests, according to Democratic-NPL…

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​The Dahms Prairie skyscraper

by John Showalter | Culture | June 23rd, 2017

…Local architect constructing new out of old in BakerMany people start a passion project after a certain turning point in their life. It could be something they’ve thought about for years but never acted on, or come on a whim. Likewise, they can be grand in size or relatively small.In…

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​Streets Alive

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 22nd, 2017

…Sunday, June 25, noon to 5pmHQ: Great Northern Bicycle, 425 Broadway N, FargoRoute this time is entirely on the Fargo side, including newly reconstructed 2nd Street. Play, engage in a more physically active lifestyle, experience your community in a new & strenuous way. Activity Alley, Yummyland, Baby and Me, Zoomobile.…

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​Parking Lot Party

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 22nd, 2017

…Friday, June 23, 6pm till lateSidestreet Grill, 404 4th Ave N, FargoThe best way to spend Friday evening, hipping and hopping in Sidestreet’s parking lot with Kipp G, Circle of Heat, and for the first time in several months, D Mills & The Thrills. Parking lots attract congenial crowds and…

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​The Hive

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 22nd, 2017

…Friday, June 23, 2:30-3:30pmPlains Art Museum, 704 1st Ave N, Fargo; 701-232-3821Opening reception: Buzz Lab interns launch their mobile educational space, lead free tours of the Pollinator Garden and Buzz Lab exhibition, and raise The Hive. They are king bees, baby: together they can make honey, and let you come…

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​‘Much Ado About Nothing’

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 22nd, 2017

…June 22, 23, 24, 30, July 1, 7pm; July 2, 2pmDetroit Lakes City Park, Park Blvd, Detroit Lakes, 218-844-4221Six performances, weather permitting, of perhaps Shakespeare’s best comedy. Benedick and Beatrice, a couple for the ages. Detroit Lakes Shakespeare in the Park’s 8th annual season, and they get better every year.…

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​Pekin Days Art Show

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 22nd, 2017

…June 22-24, 10am-7pm; June 25, 10am-4pm121 Main Street and in the Park, Pekin, N.D. Street dance, vendors, music, activities for kids, community lunch, ice cream social, horseshoe tournament, chalkfest with ribbons, art show in auditorium. Not so very far away, on Highway 15 just this side of Devils Lake. 701-381-9747

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Ad Litteram - Millennial

by James Osborne | Culture | June 22nd, 2017

…We all know that labels can lead to some unfair and incorrect conclusions. Is it a coincidence that the generation that everyone loves to hate has been given the most faceless and disaffectionate of all the generational labels? In this episode, we examine the origin of these labels and media bias…

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