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​Walking In a Winter “Warmer” land

by Krissy Ness | Beer Snob | December 17th, 2014

…By Krissy NessBoulevard - Nutcracker(ABV 7.8% IBU 38, Missouri) Deep gold in color and crowned with a fluffy white head, this winter warmer releases an immediate scent of molasses and chinook hops. The body of this beer is light yet complex, and hints of spice, gingerbread and minimal hops make…

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​Environmentalists move the goalposts on radioactive waste

by Rob Port | Say Anything | December 17th, 2014

…Very often I get the feeling that environmental groups care far less about the environment than they do about advancing certain political agendas. Case in point, the battle over NORM (or naturally occurring radioactive material) which is a byproduct of oil development in North Dakota.Calling anything “radioactive” makes it sound really…

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​Last minute holiday gift ideas

by Diane Miller | Editorial | December 17th, 2014

…Stuck on gifts? Here’s some random, fun ideas. Best yet, they are all available in town. Prices may vary.-A selfie stickAn older gentleman by the name of Jim Bastian sells a contraption of this sort at a kiosk at West Acres according to Prairie Biz mag. Yes, selfie sticks are…

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by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | December 17th, 2014

…So This Is A “Culture?”What is a culture? Right-wingers like to acclaim the myth that America is an “exceptional” country—the “shining city on a hill” and all those wonderful, marvelous cultural images. Dictionary definitions of culture include these statements: “The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group…

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​Put down the phone and drive

by Stephanie Christianson | Culture | December 17th, 2014

…Today’s society is obsessed with being connected and having to scroll the most recent Facebook feed. This is not just a problem with the younger generation; even grandparents are guilty of not putting down their cell phones. This becomes a huge problem when people try to juggle the obsession with…

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​Another Bare Stage ‘Tuna’

by Jack Dura | Theatre | December 17th, 2014

…Theater is far from wrapping up for the year in Fargo-Moorhead, as the folks of Bare Stage Theatre present their Christmas sequel to “Greater Tuna” the next two weekends.“A Tuna Christmas” picks up with the two-man cast of David Lassig and Mark Seeba, who juggle 22 characters. It’s a mix…

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Say Anything: ​How is local blogger Rob Port scooping the mainstream media?

by Chris Hennen | News | December 17th, 2014

…Minot-based blogger, who started in September of 2003 with readers consisting mainly of fellow bloggers, has gone on to become one of the most prominent political news sources in North Dakota. Rob Port writes for his Say Anything Blog pretty much as a one man show, save for some occasional…

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​All in a Day’s Work

by Troy Jackson | Culture | December 12th, 2014

…It is 4:45 a.m. as Nancy Kelly reaches her destination, Labor Masters Employment Services. In about 45 minutes Nancy’s business will be bustling with anxious folks waiting by the ear for phone calls from employers’ ephemeral interest for help on the job. Back in 2011, I too was one of…

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One election, not two

by John Strand | Editorial | December 12th, 2014

…Our Opinion / How any special election is structured could hugely affect the functionality of Fargo’s City Commission for months on end.Some call it a potential conundrum. Sitting Fargo City Commissioners are required to tender their resignations should they choose to run for the mayor’s seat vacated when Denny Walaker…

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​Gotta-Have-It Cookbooks

by Granville Wood | All About Food | December 12th, 2014

…I collect, or amass, cookbooks the way squirrels stash nuts for the winter. Our family room, perched at the uppermost part of our house, is part workout room, part artsy office and is dominated by a wall of cookbooks. Importantly, those books have all been read, earmarked and referred to…

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