6013 results for the search:
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 25th, 2018
…Friday, April 27, 7pmGreat Plains Ballroom at NDSU Memorial UnionEach year he NDSU Hip Hop team puts on an event that will benefit a local charity. This year all of the proceeds will go to CHARISM. Their show will feature singers, dancers, rappers, comedians and even the talents of local…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 25th, 2018
…Thursdays, 6-9pmFront Street Taproom, 614 Main Ave, FargoFront Street Taproom is now hosting a weekly foosball league in the cellar every Thursday. It’s free to join and weekly attendance isn’t mandatory but encouraged. All you have to do is show up and keep your eye on the ball!
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 25th, 2018
…Maybe We Should Quote “The Raven” MoreThe January National Geographic magazine has a remarkable article about the 10,000 species of birds that live around and above us, and it prompted me to recall some of the species I have observed in my lifetime. As a five-year-old farm boy and the…
by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | April 25th, 2018
…Four local authors will be making appearances at Zandbroz Variety for this year’s celebration of Independent Bookstore Day. In addition to providing free donuts and coffee, the store will offer limited edition items and chances to win prizes.At 11 a.m., Alicia Underlee Nelson will be there to answer questions and sign…
by HPR Contributor | Music | April 25th, 2018
…By Cindy Nicholscindy.nichols@ndsu.eduI find myself almost weepy with appreciation, these days, for any small reprieve I can find from chronic sickness-at-heart; any small mercy that either helps me to forget about 45 for an hour, or actually wakes me up again to how many amazingly good people live in this…
by Logan Macrae | Wellness | April 25th, 2018
…I was amid some of the worst anxiety I have experienced in my life. I was worried about money, moving and multiple other things. My chest felt heavy and was dominated by a feeling of constriction and restriction; to both my life and breathing.A few weeks earlier I had met…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | April 25th, 2018
…There’s something to be said about the art of listening. Effective communication is like playing a game of catch, you need to bounce the conversation ball back and forth to keep it going. I never was one much for sports-ball but I’m in the communications field and that’s about as…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | April 25th, 2018
…Longtime writing partners Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein make their joint directorial debut but don’t quite get everything right in “I Feel Pretty,” an Amy Schumer vehicle that jettisons the hard-R ribaldry of “Trainwreck” and “Snatched” for the potentially wider-appeal territory of PG-13 content. Schumer, who has long been the…
by C.S. Hagen | News | April 25th, 2018
…GRAND FORKS – Residual racism is a leading reason why the University of North Dakota plans to demolish the last brick-and-mortar remnants of Wesley College, some historians say. Wesley College, a former Methodist school, merged with UND in 1905, becoming one of the first American marriages between a religious college…
by C.S. Hagen | News | April 23rd, 2018
…FARGO– A legislator, hopeful politicians, and business owners appealed to the governor’s office Monday morning with hopes of an executive order to fight the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of Net Neutrality.The Republican-led FCC voted last December to repeal Net Neutrality rules, which took effect on Monday. “The FCC has repealed…