6021 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | December 27th, 2017
…The homeless love those rich ZIP Code dumpsters full of goodiesThe Grand Old Party of Predators, Pedophiles, and Parsimonious Pricks (GOPPPP) has finally reached its Nirvana, the perfect place of peace and happiness, by passing a tax bill that will enrich their owners in Bel Air and rich ZIP Codes…
by HPR Staff | Culture | December 27th, 2017
…Saturday, December 30It’s a good idea to get warmed up for New Year’s, and why not start a day ahead of time, at The Aquarium, 226 Broadway upstairs, at 7:30pm, to see Radio Free Fargo And Dan Ellenson Present: F-M Songwriters Circle. We’ve been waiting for this one, Radio Free…
by Chris Larson | Beer Snob | December 27th, 2017
…“What are some of your favorite bottles of whiskey?” is a question I get asked quite frequently and is often harder to answer than one might think. One of the great rewards of my profession is getting to sample some of the finest whiskeys the world has to offer and…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | December 27th, 2017
…2017 has been quite a year. Like any year, we’ve had our own triumphs and tragedies.We survived a year of Trump in office and we said goodbye to Tom Petty. In local news we shared the shock and horror of the murder of Savanna Greywind and mourned together as a…
by Sabrina Hornung | Arts | December 27th, 2017
…High Plains Reader: How did the idea for Daily Trump Cartoon come to you—what was your call to action?Peter Yuenger: It wasn’t really a call to action, It was more of a New Year’s resolution to get back in the habit of drawing or doing some sort of…
by Hee Han | Culture | December 27th, 2017
…Ketel Wonder, Burlesque Performer and Pole Fitness Instructor, is the first polesque performer in North Dakota. Wonder’s journey began when she was 23.“I attended my very first burlesque show at the Aquarium. It was a Bad Weather Burlesque show, and afterward I approached the Alabaster Disaster about how I could…
by C.S. Hagen | News | December 27th, 2017
…PULLMAN, WASHINGTON – Rome lasted a thousand years, but fell to Germanic barbarians. China’s last dynasty capitulated in 1911 to Sun Yat-sen after constant civil unrest. Since the beginning of time, empires have risen and they’ve fallen, but never has a civilization been closer to collapse or widespread revolution than…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | December 27th, 2017
…The indomitable Laura Poitras adds to her fascinating filmography with “Risk,” a years-in-the-making (and unmaking) portrait of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, beginning prior to his retreat into the embassy of Ecuador in London under threat of eventual extradition to the United States.Less immediate and urgent than her Oscar-winner “Citizenfour,” “Risk”…
by Megan Bartholomay | Beer Snob | December 27th, 2017
…I don’t remember where I heard it, but someone once said, “You don’t save Champagne for a special occasion, Champagne IS the special occasion.” I could not agree more.Champagne is not only massively underrated as an everyday drinking wine (for good reason: it’s kinda pricey), but it’s way too misunderstood…
by Charlie Barber | Last Word | December 27th, 2017
…“Treason – the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war.” – Webster’s Dictionary“(Thomas) Jefferson seems to have had none of (James) Madison’s fear for the tyranny of majority opinion. Let everything come out, and the judgment of the common people…