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​‘Entrapped’ during Nobel panel

by C.S. Hagen | News | December 24th, 2017

…OSLO, NORWAY – American Indigenous leaders took insult this week during a Nobel Peace Prize forum, after a Morton County leader addressed issues pertaining to the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy.Morton County Commissioner Cody Schultz, an outspoken proponent of the Dakota Access Pipeline, was one of 500 “ticketed guests,” and was invited…

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​F-M Homeless Memorial March

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Thursday, December 21, 6pmU.S. Bank Plaza, Broadway, DowntownLet’s march together and help the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless honor those who have lost their lives while homeless. Procession leaving U.S. Bank Plaza at 6pm; Memorial Service at 6:30pm at Elim Lutheran Church, 321 9th St N. 651-645-7332

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​Reina del Cid: Album Release Party

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Thursday, December 28, 8-11pmHoDo, 101 Broadway N, 701-478-1000The talented singer-songwriter and her rock band. Storytelling songs, sophisticated sound with broad appeal, the first event after the Christmas void and no cover. Where did her name come from? Reina del Cid, that was Ximena Díaz, who died 900 years ago. 

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​Flux Pop Up Class

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Saturday, December 23, 10:45amDrekker Brewing Co, 630 1st Ave N Ste 6Yoga and more than yoga, bulk up and get ripped. Includes a beer or root beer. $5 ticket also accesses food and drink specials. 63 people might be going but the class is limited to 30, and Crossfit Ice…

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​Thriftworks Live

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Friday, December 22The Aquarium, 226 Broadway 2nd floor, DowntownA big show at The Aquarium, the first time in Fargo for Thriftworks, the electronica producer known for colossal bass notes. Supported by Dakota Faye, Chuck Wayne, and The Human Element. 21+, $15 advance, $18 door. 701-235-5913

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​Comedy Open Mic

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Friday, December 22, 7:30-10pmFargo Brewing Co, 610 University Dr NTwenty four comedians and jokers who think they might be comedians get five minutes each to try themselves out before a half-drunk and thus receptive audience. Sign-up sheet available 7:30-8pm. Many unique beers and ales, but of course. 701-478-2337

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End of Darkness Party

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Friday, December 22, 5-8pmFront Street Taproom, 614 Main Ave, Fargo“There is no free lunch,” authority figures told us. But there is if you can wait till Friday at 5pm. Better yet, FST will open one of their masterpieces, Surly Barrel Aged Darkness 2016, to celebrate the end of the 12…

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Watercolor Winter Landscape

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | December 20th, 2017

…Thursday, December 21, 6pmMake Room, 17 8th St S, FargoThe winter landscape makes a perfect subject. Beginners and intermediates are welcome to this class that will walk you through, step-by-step, the creation of a wonderland using watercolor paints and masking fluid. $35, pre-registration required. 701-203-2256

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​Seeking shelter: homelessness in the winter

by Dima Vitanova | News | December 20th, 2017

…The chill crawls up your body until it claims it. Naturally, your muscles begin to shiver in an attempt to keep warm. Your blood slowly retreats from your extremities toward your vital organs. As the minutes pass, your breathing might slow down and your speech – if you have someone…

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So what is a keylogger?

by Chuck Solly | News | December 20th, 2017

…There are many ways to hack computers. There are also many people who want to do such things. A keylogger is one such trick that the bad guys use. They sneak into your computer room and plug a small box into your USB port on the back of your desktop…

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