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Ready Set Fargo: Marathon Returns

by Diane Miller | Wellness | April 29th, 2015

…More cowbell, please! The runners are coming through. It’s time to make some noise, eat pasta, drink lots of water, hand out lots of water, run far and go fast, etc. Maybe cheer on Will Ferrell?The fun begins next Thursday. The year’s events include four major races, a speaking event…

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​Let us now praise independent booksellers

by Taylor Blumer | Writer's Block | April 29th, 2015

…Zandbroz celebrates Independent Bookstore DayA world in which independent bookstores can still thrive is certainly a good one. Independent bookstores enrich their communities in many ways, partly by connecting people with local authors and fostering a unique sense of place.This year, these unique shops get a special day in their…

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Post Special Election

by Chris Hennen | Editorial | April 29th, 2015

…A special election was held in Fargo on Tuesday to elect a new mayor and city commissioner due to the death of Dennis Walaker. Congratulations to Mayor Tim Mahoney, who ran a campaign that proved he was by far the most credible and competent candidate to lead Fargo in the…

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Democrats let politics trump policy

by Rob Port | Say Anything | April 29th, 2015

…The 2014 legislative session is coming to an end. After a respite over the summer, thoughts will turn to the election side of our two-year political cycle and the politicians will be deciding what to campaign on.There’s no question Democrats will be campaigning on the oil tax reforms Republicans pushed…

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Jack White’s surprise performance gets Fargo love

by Chris Hennen | Music | April 29th, 2015

…Local music lovers have rock and roll spiritual experienceWhat musical act would you stand in line for four to six hours to see? It’s a question many in Fargo found themselves grappling with when, mere hours before the gig, Jack White finally announced the last of his five-state acoustic performances…

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​Prisons of the Mind and Body

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 26th, 2015

…Of Crippled Mice and MenA few years ago conservative Republican judges on the US Supreme Court chastised their liberal counterparts for citing foreign legal cases in their written opinions because courts in other countries had nothing intelligent to offer American jurisprudence. We can learn nothing from civilizations that have lasted…

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​Fix the damn oil tax already

by Rob Port | Say Anything | April 26th, 2015

…On the 70th day of the state’s 80-day legislative session, Republican leaders in the House and Senate have proposed a major reform to oil tax policy.Already it is being met with anger from partisan Democrats hoping to inflame the public’s hatred for “big oil,” but it’s time to cut through…

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​Looking for Fargo in ‘Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter’

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | April 26th, 2015

…The erroneous report that a Tokyo office worker died near Detroit Lakes, Minn., in 2001, looking for money buried in the snow in Joel and Ethan Coen’s “Fargo” forms the basis of David and Nathan Zellner’s haunting, original “Kumiko the Treasure Hunter.”Starring Rinko Kikuchi as the title character, the Zellner…

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Basements Best: ​Alabama Shakes move outward, upward on “Sound & Color”

by Stephen Anderson | Music | April 26th, 2015

…Though its preceded by the title track, Alabama Shakes’ sophomore album, “Sound & Color,” doesn’t truly begin until about the 40-second mark of “Don’t Wanna Fight.” Steamrolling frontwoman Brittany Howard finds an open spot in the thistle of razorwire guitars and swaggering drums and emits a lemon-tart yowl, sucking all…

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Spay-ghetti & No Balls Lunch

by Särah Nour | Culture | April 23rd, 2015

…On Tuesday the 28th, Fargo’s own Holiday Inn will be sponsoring a fundraiser for Homeward Animal Shelter’s spay/neuter fund. The first event of its kind, the Spay-ghetti and No Balls Lunch will have pasta with plain spaghetti sauce, salad, breadsticks, dessert, and refreshments.Sponsors for this fundraiser include Food Services of…

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