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​Save Family Farms in North Dakota! Refer Senate Bill 2351!

by HPR Contributor | Editorial | May 6th, 2015

…“[Bonanza farming/1873-1920] encouraged large scale agriculture in the Red River Valley of the North…The bonanzas relied on professional farm managers…[and] were worked by migrant workers ranging from as few as 15 to as many as 1,000 per farm,...[who] were divided into teams of five to twenty men under a supervisor…

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​Magic in the air: ​NDSU Opera unfolds ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

by Jack Dura | Theatre | May 6th, 2015

…Summer is not even here yet, but NDSU Opera is already taking us there.The university opera company has “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” lined up for the stage, combining Shakespeare, opera and an enormous ensemble for one of NDSU Performing Arts’ last productions of 2014-2015. Cutting the story back a bit…

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​A list of masterpieces

by Diane Miller | Editorial | May 6th, 2015

…As promised, here is the list of masterpiece songs as suggested by our readers and friends in response to my April 1 editorial, “The Masterpiece Challenge.”This is not a complete list. And it includes plenty of tunes that others would never dream of calling a masterpiece. We included every suggestion…

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Open letter to new NDUS chancellor

by Rob Port | Say Anything | May 6th, 2015

…Dear Mark Hagerott,Congratulations on your appointment as the next chancellor of the North Dakota University System. Your resume is impressive, and your military service in particular commends you.At $372,000 per year you will, when you take your position on July 1, be making more than our governor, lieutenant governor and…

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Danger Zone: Why does North Dakota have the highest worker death rate in the country?

by Chris Hennen | News | May 6th, 2015

…A new report from the AFL-CIO shows North Dakota had the highest job fatality rate in the nation for three years in a row. The report “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect” compiles results from 2013 and shows that the state’s job fatality rate of 14.9 per 100,000…

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​A few questions for Caroline Smith

by Diane Miller | Music | May 4th, 2015

…HPR asked popular Minneapolis-based artist Caroline Smith a series of questions and we saved the best answers for our readers.Smith, a native of Detroit Lakes, Minn., performs in Fargo at least once or twice a year. She’ll return this Thursday, May 7 and this time is bringing along an opener,…

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​Babel Babble

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 30th, 2015

…The Planet’s Tower of BabbleAt last count the 7 billion descendants of Adam and Eve – or of Pithecanthropus erectus – who presently inhabit the earth try to communicate with one another through 7,000 languages. Three billion use one of the top twenty languages in this order: Mandarin Chinese, Spanish,…

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Local feature length mob film, ‘Aura,’ comes to life

by Kayla Culver | Cinema | April 30th, 2015

…Actor/director/writer Charles Mauk talks creative process, learning curve Local musician Charlie Mauk is best known for his hip-hop music, but he has recently taken on an entirely new project. Mauk is serving as actor, director, writer and director of cinematography for his first full-length feature film “Aura.”With the help of his longtime…

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Growing Older and Growing Up - ‘While We’re Young’

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | April 29th, 2015

…Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts are Josh and Cornelia, married New Yorkers rocketing through their 40s.Childless and conflicted about it, the pressure from old friends/new parents Marina (Maria Dizzia) and Fletcher (Adam Horovitz) doesn’t exactly help. Josh is a documentary filmmaker whose current project has consumed nearly a decade of…

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​Oh boy, oh Boyd!

by Deb Jenkins | All About Food | April 29th, 2015

…I finally got around to going through all my cookbooks in my upstairs kitchen, as they were on the verge of taking over my small counter space. I thought it would be great to be “Little Miss Organizer” and put them in order of Mexican, Italian, Asian and so on,…

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