6013 results for the search:
by Kayleigh Johnson | All About Food | July 31st, 2014
…By Kayleigh JohnsonThe 200 block of Broadway in Downtown Fargo has recently seen a huge boom in development and new businesses. Joining the roster of new establishments is the lovely D’Vine — a quaint new bar offering its guests a vast selection of wine, beer, sake cocktails, cheeses and small…
by Diane Miller | News | July 31st, 2014
…Dr. Donald Warne is now favorably positioned to become majorly responsible for squashing American Indian health disparities in North Dakota.Thanks to a $1.4 million grant, North Dakota State University now has the resources to fund its brand new American Indian Public Health Resource Center, which will officially begin work on…
by Chris Hennen | Editorial | July 31st, 2014
…The debate over a proposed homeless apartment complex in Moorhead has not exactly been a lesson in political courage. With the Moorhead City Council initially voting to oppose the project, despite the fact that its approval is unnecessary, it just shows even city government can sometimes be afraid of the…
by Chris Hennen | Culture | July 25th, 2014
…Unity North Dakota, an organization formed to speak out against white supremacist Craig Cobb’s attempts to take over the small town of Leith, N.D., will celebrate its one year anniversary of fighting for “cultural, ethnic, racial and community unity” and the defeat of Cobb with an eclectic all day festival…
by Diane Miller | Music | July 24th, 2014
…Over the river and through the woods, Into The Lake we go.Indeed, within a matter of months, this “lake band” has recorded a 5-track EP, “The Pre-Flight,” released two of the EP’s singles and gained more than 400 fans on Facebook without having performed a single live show. The full…
by Sabrina Hornung | Arts | July 17th, 2014
…Meredith Lynn’s “Elkhorn Ranch” drawingsMeredith Lynn is one busy lady. Not only is she the new interim director at The Rourke Art Museum in Moorhead, but she has also served as director of Nemeth Art Center in Park Rapids, Minn., for the past three years and is the fourth artist…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | July 17th, 2014
…Making her feature debut with an expanded adaptation of her 2009 short, Gillian Robespierre shows plenty of talent and even more promise in “Obvious Child,” a low-budget comedy attracting as much attention for its subject matter as it is for star Jenny Slate’s breakout performance. Slate plays Donna Stern, a…
by Diane Miller | Culture | July 17th, 2014
…It’s TED Talks time. Tickets are about to sell out. So this article is a complete, rapid-fire attempt to convince you to go to TEDxFargo this July 24 or TEDxYouth@Fargo this July 25. Here goes …Twenty-two of some of the brightest minds in the area, and in the country, have…
by HPR Contributor | Music | July 17th, 2014
…By Tom JohnsonGuitarist and longtime Minnesota resident Tim Sparks has made a name for himself for many years by taking on ambitious concepts on the guitar.Whether it be taking the music of avant-garde composer and saxophonist John Zorn’s band Masada Quartet and condensing it to solo acoustic guitar, or when,…
by Chris Hennen | News | July 17th, 2014
…The Fargo Police Department, which started monitoring downtown crime with cameras in 2012 with three stationary cameras after a rash of vandalism and thefts, also has three moveable portable cameras used for real-time monitoring of large events such as the Fargo Marathon, ESPN Game Day, large events at the Fargodome…