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​Ben Rheault Opening Reception

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | June 8th, 2016

…Thursday, June 9, 7-9 p.m.Make Room Gallery, 806 ½ Main Ave. FargoOpening reception for local hero and art whiz Ben Rheault, the work exhibited was created between 2011 and 2015. According to his artist statement: “It represents a departure from recognizable objects and figures. I am interested in class struggle, and…

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​Tattoos in Cuba

by HPR Contributor | Culture | June 2nd, 2016

…Mike DalagerIllegal tattoos in Cuba? Yes please…I’ll take one. That’s right. Tattooing is illegal in the entire country of Cuba. Not one license has ever been issued. Tattooing has had a rough history around the world anyways but to think that nowadays we aren’t forward-thinking enough to let people decide…

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​A movable feast: Theatre B searches for a new space

by HPR Staff | Culture | June 1st, 2016

…By Alex Huntsbergerahuntsberger@gmail.comAfter 10 years of presenting edgy, contemporary theatre at 716 Main Avenue, Theatre B is moving out. Their 2016-2017 season will be presented at a series of temporary venues around town. Meanwhile, the company is searching for a new permanent space to call their “forever home.”“We’ve been having…

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A look into the puzzling world of Kung Fu Jimmy

by John Showalter | Culture | June 1st, 2016

…Do you like puzzles? Perhaps at some time in the last year you have contemplated the puzzles included toward the end of every issue of the High Plains Reader. Or maybe you took part in last November’s trivia game show/podcast Rocket Surgery at Dempsey’s and The Aquarium. Both happen to…

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​Fritz Lang silent classics on Blu-ray

by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | June 1st, 2016

…Austrian-born director Fritz Lang is best known for his massive silent science-fiction epic “Metropolis” (1927) and his moody, influential crime thriller “M” (1931), both made in Germany.He started writing films as early as 1916 and directed over 40 features in various genres between 1919 and 1960. Among Lang’s finest work…

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​Red River Market’s second season

by Brittney Goodman | Culture | June 1st, 2016

…Simone Wai, board member for the Red River Market, is excited about 2016’s changes and new offerings. First of all, the market is moving to a new location, at 409 Broadway North, in front of the former Schumacher Goodyear. Simone thinks this new location will continue the “plaza format” and…

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​Can machines dominate mankind?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 1st, 2016

…Are robots becoming the scabs of the labor market?The signs are getting more ominous that the human may lose his dominion over the earth to machines utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI), manufactured by humans. Perhaps the first sign was when a computer program called BKG 98 beat the world’s best backgammon…

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The Body in motion

by HPR Contributor | Music | June 1st, 2016

…By: Elle AndersonAt a young age Lee Buford and Chip King never thought they would be travelling across the United States and Europe to perform. The Body has come a long way and keeps growing more and more each day. Performing at new music festivals and exploring new genres has…

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​Where do we go from here?

by HPR Contributor | Editorial | June 1st, 2016

…By Tom Bixbytom@hpr1.comWe’ve read Grace Lyden’s timely and thorough “9 things to know about Block 9, Fargo’s future high-rise,” in the Forum. One of the nine things is that there will be 20 condominiums on floors 13 to 17, purchase prices in the million dollar range.She goes on: “While this…

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​Voting as easy as pie in North Dakota?

by Chris Hennen | News | June 1st, 2016

…[Editor’s note: the following transcript has been edited for length and clarity.]As we approach election time in North Dakota, we hear and read stories about voters affected by the state’s Voter ID law passed in 2013 and altered in 2015. As we approach the June 14 primary, how does the…

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