6011 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 24th, 2015
…What Happens When a Woman “Sculpts Her Universe?”Roman Catholic Sister Joan Chittister of the Benedictine Order should have been called by Pope Francis to lecture the recent Vatican synod, composed of about 400 bachelor bishops and cardinals and seven married couples, on what role women should play in the church.…
by Rob Port | Say Anything | November 24th, 2015
…“It’s become a Thanksgiving holiday tradition,” a colleague told me recently. “We eat the turkey, and then we watch videos of people being trampled at Black Friday sales on YouTube.”That’s about the gist of it. The holiday shopping phenomena which has good people, otherwise upstanding and model citizens, throwing aside…
by HPR Contributor | Music | November 24th, 2015
…By Jamie HutchinsonThey are a band that needs no introduction here. For nine years Jon Wayne and the Pain have been bringing their reggae-rock with electronic dub elements to the region, playing packed venues and even stretching their fan base out to the west coast. While frontman Jon Wayne hit…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | November 24th, 2015
…Like hapless novelty salesmen Jonathan (Holger Andersson) and Sam (Nisse Vestblom), filmmaker Roy Andersson clearly just wants to help people have fun. Completing his “Living” trilogy – which also contains the brilliant pair “Songs from the Second Floor” (2000) and “You, the Living” (2007) – “A Pigeon Sat on a…
by HPR Contributor | All About Food | November 24th, 2015
…By Nikki Berglund“May suitable doses of guaranteed sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting enjoyment preserve us from the contagion of the multitude who mistake frenzy for efficiency.”—Slow Foods ManifestoWhen my friend and heirloom tomato provider, Stephanie approached me about helping her start up the first Slow Foods North Dakota…
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | November 24th, 2015
…Friday, Nov. 27, 8 p.m.Fargo Billiards & Gastopub, 3234 43rd St. S, FargoThe improv group is back at Fargo Billiards & Gastropub for the first time since their sold out show last year. The show is completely improvised, offering a new experience for past viewers. Tickets are available at linebenders.com.
by HPR Staff | Best Bets | November 24th, 2015
…Friday, Nov. 27, 8 a.m.Downtown FargoDesigned to promote local independently-owned businesses, Plaid Friday is the relaxing alternative to Black Friday that follows the idea that individual threads of small businesses can be weaved together to create a strong fabric to celebrate the diverse and creative local businesses. By wearing plaid,…
by Chris Hennen | Culture | November 24th, 2015
…Expansion will include new stage area downstairsAs they approached their 10th anniversary in March, Dempsey’s Public House owner Bert Myers wanted to do something with that bar to keep things fresh and deal with rising competition in downtown Fargo. About the time those thoughts were arising, they were approached by…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | November 24th, 2015
…You’ve come a long way, BabyHaji Hagopian and his wife Nouritza fled what was once Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1923 at the tail end of the Armenian genocide, Nouritza was three people away from being gunned down by a Turkish firing squad. My Grandfather was merely three months old at…
by Brittney Goodman | Culture | November 24th, 2015
…Six years of fun and philanthropy supporting the Gladys Ray ShelterAs one of the founders of Fargo’s version of SantaCon, the jolly pub crawl with holiday costumes and a giving spirit, I found myself surprised that we are coming up on our sixth year, and wanted to talk to some…