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​The Story of Heroin

by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | January 25th, 2017

…During a time when heroin use has risen to epidemic levels in North Dakota, a timely memoir entitled In Spite of Heroin is being sold locally at Zandbroz Variety and Vintage Point, as well as other independent bookstores throughout the Midwest.The book’s author, Dana Chase, printed it through AuthorHouse, which…

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​A Christmas Campout

by Jim Fuglie | Last Word | January 25th, 2017

…I’ve spent a lot of nights sleeping within spitting distance of the Little Missouri River. God willing, I’ll spend a lot more. I’m pretty sure I’ve slept there in every month on the calendar. Some nights (and some months) were better than others. I’ve slept there alone, I’ve slept there…

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​Supply and demand

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | January 25th, 2017

…“I’ve been in bands before and I was looking to be active again—I got a good taste of it that night jamming in the basement.” says Matthew Gebhardt bassist of Fargo punk trio Pretty Hardly.Gebhardt and Pretty Hardly guitarist Sam Ova met at a party at Ova’s house—affectionately referred to…

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White supremacists’ hit list of small towns

by C.S. Hagen | News | January 25th, 2017

…Since the town of Leith’s victory against white supremacists, eleven towns across North Dakota made their hit list. The towns range from populations of 16 to nearly 7,000.Listed by names, pictures, and real estate advertisements by Pioneer Little Europe North Dakota, a white supremacist operation welcoming Nazis, the Creativity Movement,…

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​Our opinion: What sells, and what that says about us

by Tom Bixby | Editorial | January 25th, 2017

…Music instructor Kris Kitko was recently in the Kirkwood Mall in Bismarck. She saw a T-shirt in a store, looked again. On the T-shirt, it said “GRAB AMERICA BY THE PUSSY.”“Kirkwood Mall is often the site for children’s performances,” said Ms. Kitko, “These shirts were in a front aisle and…

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Rodent Poison Spread by North Dakota Rancher Not Cause for “DAPL Cough”

by C.S. Hagen | News | January 24th, 2017

…CANNON BALL - Around the time Standing Rock’s first camp was pitched against the Dakota Access Pipeline, a deadly poison was spread across thousands of acres in the area by a rancher intent on killing prairie dogs.Six eagles, a buffalo, prairie dogs, and an antelope may have died because of…

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​The Results Are In!: HPR Announces Winners in Annual Cocktail Showdown

by Sabrina Hornung | Cocktail Showdown | January 20th, 2017

…The moment of truth has arrived. After seven weeks of sampling and judging some of the finest libations in the area the results for this year’s Cocktail Showdown have arrived. Christopher Larson, Raul Gomez and Sabrina Hornung were presented the opportunity to try some of the finest cocktails in town…

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​“This Is Not A War”

by C.S. Hagen | News | January 19th, 2017

…CANNON BALL - Inch by inch, coil by razor-tipped coil, Standing Rock activists near the Dakota Access Pipeline drill pad.During the past week marches launched from the main camp outside of Standing Rock targeted the east side of the pipeline near the Missouri River and Backwater Bridge, which is still…

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​Shaun King Delivers Message to North Dakota

by C.S. Hagen | Culture | January 18th, 2017

…FARGO - In grade school, Shaun King was the class clown, outgoing and funny. The light-skinned 37-year-old writer and civil rights activist was more concerned with clothes, music, and girls, than racism. In high school his world fell apart. At first, the attacks came in the form of sticks and…

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​A Capella Night: Six Appeal

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | January 18th, 2017

…Friday, January 20, 8:30- 10 PMThe Centrum (Concordia College), 901 8th St S, MoorheadA Capella Night at Concordia is featuring Six Appeal, a world class vocal ensemble infused with sharp comedic timing and the energy and vitality of a rock band. Concordia’s own a capella group, Voce Hominum will also…

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