353 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 2nd, 2020
…Please, Democrats, Socialists, and Never-Trumpers, don’t pay too much attention to the political polls this time. You have to understand that Donald J. Trump is a psychopathic nutcase who has no ideology or moral base in his baseness. Baseness is defined as being corrupt, treacherous, and contemptible with low moral…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 26th, 2020
…Why We Need a Wealth TaxIn one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in one of the wealthiest cities on Planet Earth, a homeless woman named Rosa lives her life a nickel at a time. The New York City 5-cent deposit system provides her some income because she sorts through bags of…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 19th, 2020
…A Liberal Education vs. Student DebtIn April of 2019 the chewed-on leather boots, belt buckles, and rifles of three rhino poachers were found in an African national park, evidently eaten by a pride of angry, hungry lions that surprised them. In another incident the partially-eaten body of a rhinopoacher was…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 5th, 2020
…Predatory Capitalism Breeds Predatory Medical CareSurvival in the animal world depends upon who eats who. Wolf packs in Yellowstone chase down the oldest weakest elk and kill with a chokehold. African lion prides select the oldest and weakest water buffalo to kill for survival. Killer whale pods kill seals to…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 28th, 2020
…What Is It About The Word “SEX” You Don’t Understand?Sex has to be the most pleasurable act for animal species on earth, and birth to perpetuate the species has to be among the most painful. One out of 100 human babies in the world is born intersex; that is, born…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 22nd, 2020
…Will The Dark Wall Cloud Over Joe’s Head Ever Move?Older readers will remember a character called Joe Btfsplk in Al Capp’s satirical comic strip Li’l Abner. Joe was known for his bad luck which was symbolized by a dark cloud hovering over him. Anyone who was close to Joe suffered…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 14th, 2020
…The Last Decoded Message From Hitler’s Bunker In 1945: “Closing Down Forever”Well, well, well, now we finally have our own little Hitler in his White House bunker, assuming command of the military because, as a genius, he knows more than any of his generals and admirals. He has his own…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 7th, 2020
…The U.S. Is A Failed State On A Rudderless U.S.S. Titanic—Captained By A CalibanAnd yes, it’s headed directly for a huge iceberg. There is no evidence that Donald The Lyin’ King has read anything beyond a menu or a porn star’s telephone number. His tweets are void of any reference…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 31st, 2020
…Are We Close To Hearing The Last Clicking Of A Stoplight?Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker, has been creating provocative and entertaining columns for many years. She also was a speech writer for President Ronald Reagan. I call her a true conservative, not a fake…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 24th, 2020
…Democratic Socialism Rescues Disaster Capitalism—AgainOur elected representatives are currently appropriating trillions of taxpayer’s dollars to save our economy from the ravages of COVID-19 and disaster capitalism. Here we go again. Economists who have studied capitalism for many years say that recessions and depressions happen about every 8 to 10 years…