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A Swift Proposal

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 3rd, 2020

…Swift: “A Good Fat Child Will Make Four Dishes Of Excellent Nutritive Meat”When Donald the Lyin’ King proposed that COVID-19 might be able to be controlled by injecting bleach, Lysol, sanitizers and other disinfectants into the body, the very idea was so nut-crazy I thought of two satiric works of…

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Judgment at Washington

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 26th, 2020

…Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds: “Because We Know Who You Are….In 1944 as a prisoner of war in a German labor camp M/Sgt Edmonds was the leader of the American prisoners. One morning at roll call the German commander demanded that all the Jews in the formation step forward. Edmonds said:…

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Another Pandemic: Republican Voter Suppression

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 19th, 2020

…Hey! Hey! Hey! Supremes! How Many Badgers Did You Kill Today?We are in the middle of a deadly COVID-19 pandemic that may last years, but we have been attacked for 244 years by another pandemic which started in Philadelphia when 56 white guys signed a proclamation that “all men are…

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Will April Be Cruel?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 5th, 2020

…The 14th Century Black Plague Started Something Beyond Thoughts And PrayersI see Donald the Lyin’ King has decided that Easter will not be a good time to fill churches—but maybe April 30 will be. King Donald had talked so much about the virus and April he reminded me of the…

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A Banana Country—And We Don’t Even Grow Them

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 29th, 2020

…Fact: In 1979 We Had 19.5 Million Manufacturing Jobs; Today, 12 MillionThat’s just one of the startling statistics revealed in two books reviewed by Helen Epstein in the New York Review of Books. The titles indicate the subject: “Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism” by Anne Case and…

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Who’s That Zombie in the Political Window?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 18th, 2020

…Why, It’s Joe Biden, Stumbling Through Debates and Billionaire’s PocketsBrian Michelz and his wife Sarah in Madison, Wisconsin are saddled with medical and college student debt, and like half the families in the United States, can’t come up with $400 to cover an emergency although both are working, she as…

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American Families Are Losers

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 4th, 2020

…Here’s Why We Need Single-Payer Medicare-For-AllUtah teacher Ann Lovell flies to San Diego and then is escorted across the border to Tijuana every few months to buy drugs to control her rheumatoid arthritis. Her flights are paid for by the state of Utah’s insurance carrier because, even with the flights…

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Avaricious Locusts and Plutocrats

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 19th, 2020

…Two Devastating Swarms ‘Tis the season when billions of locusts swarm across Northern Africa and Southern Asia creating famines. A single swarm with as many as 70 billion who transform themselves from avoiding other locusts to a “gregarious” state, can cover 450 sq. miles of territory and consume as much…

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Archipelago Of Terror

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 12th, 2020

…Who Will Be The First Trumplican To Stop Applauding?Watching the State of Trump, the National Prayer Breakfast for Trump, and the White House Celebration for the “perfect” Trump, I recalled a HPR column I wrote about Joe Stalin’s days as Russia’s Trump back on November 11, 2007 titled “An Archipelago…

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Abuse of Power

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 5th, 2020

…President Roosevelt: “The Malefactors of Great Wealth Are Against Worker Rights”He also believed that the Declaration of Independence declared that “the rights of the worker to a living wage, to reasonable hours of labor, to decent working and living conditions, and to freedom of thought and speech and industrial representation—-in…

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