351 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | December 20th, 2017
…What will it take to change our gun laws? Twenty first graders torn apart by 100 Bushmaster rounds couldn’t do it.Would 100 first graders torn apart by 500 bump stock rounds fired by an AR-15 do it? Would four senators and representatives from Congress torn apart by .45 caliber rounds…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 29th, 2017
…What happens when the eight richest men in the world possess wealth equal to the bottom half of the entire world population?There I was, in a pew at Cormorant Lutheran Church on Sunday morning, when I got the Christian view of acquiring wealth in a Christian country. A quote from…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 24th, 2017
…The blonde guy with the “Comb-back” Will Make Everybody RichPractically everyone in the United States knows the essentials of the Brothers Grimm fairytale “Rumplestiltskin” where the poor miller’s daughter with the beautiful, long blonde hair, with the help of a mysterious imp, spins straw into gold. Her father has told…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 15th, 2017
…The thoughts and prayers of politicians will finally be answeredWe have had 307 mass shootings (four kills or more) so far in 2017, including the last one in Sutherland Springs, Texas, where 26 mortals attending church, aged 18 months to 77 years, were blasted into Heaven and 20 were sent…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 8th, 2017
…We might be entering the worst of times: the wackification of AmericaI listened to a fascinating National Public Radio interview the other night of a second tier comedian who plays small casinos, nightclubs, and theaters around the country trying to make a living. He is totally frustrated by his present-day…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 25th, 2017
…The madness and sins of the world’s seven ’great’ religionsRobert Bolt’s play “A Man For All Seasons” covers the true story of a principled and religious chancellor of England named Sir Thomas More who eventually lost his head because he refused to approve the divorce of King Henry VIII from…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 18th, 2017
…God didn’t save six million Jews from the Holocaust eitherWe have become so used to mass killings by firearms in the “United” States that they are generally ignored, except for the really unusual or big ones like Texas Tower, San Ysidro McDonald’s, Luby’s Cafeteria, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 11th, 2017
…I’m a white son-of-a-bitch who will always take a knee for M/Sgt McNairIn 1938 I entered First Grade in District 54 in Morrison County, Minnesota, a little white country school with a total of 23 students in eight grades and two two-holers out back. That’s where I was first introduced…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 4th, 2017
…Norwegians know how to govern—just ask Ole and LenaSometimes we get the idea from Norwegian Ole and Lena jokes that “Norvegians” play with only 39 cards. There’s the one about Ole calling the airlines and asking how long it takes to fly from Minneapolis to Fargo. “Just a…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 27th, 2017
…A mixture of despair, extortion, life-saving treatments, and inequalityFifty-four-year-old Antony Marino of Wise, Virginia keeps a pair of needle-nosed pliers handy so he can pull out a rotting tooth that’s bothering him. He has never been to a dentist. Forty-nine-year-old Joyce Bays tenderizes the meat she eats with a hammer,…