351 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 14th, 2017
…Red blankets, thousand-dollar pills, and angry IrishIt makes for an interesting week when people, rats, monkeys, and the Irish wave the middle finger with wild abandon toward their erstwhile enemies. The Irish finally showed how fed up they are with the “state” Roman Catholic Church that treated pregnant girls horribly…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 7th, 2017
…How long does it take you to pay your Social Security taxes for the year?Jay Gould was one of the richest capitalists in the United States in the 19th century, bribing legislators, robbing, killing, and hiring a private army to fight labor union strikes over wages, hours, and working conditions.…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 31st, 2017
…A good sign: the Spanish are finally giving up bullfightingSometimes it takes thousands of years to rid a society of a cultural icon. Bullfighting has been an integral part of Spanish society for almost a thousand years. Bullfighting was first mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh which covered prehistoric bull…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 24th, 2017
…The rich live 20 years longer than the poorSeveral recent incidents in the airline industry are sending messages to the Ninety-Nine Percent around the world. If you can’t hold it, don’t book a flight. A male passenger was removed from a flight because he had to pee while the plane…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 17th, 2017
…It’s time to end religious slavery, discrimination, racism, and sexual violenceReligions have authorized slavery for thousands of years. It still exists in many corners of the world and is outlawed in few countries. Religions have allowed men to marry several women at one time, which is now a crime called…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | May 3rd, 2017
…The absolute destruction of the American dreamIt has become commonplace. The majority of college graduates in the United States now are forced to move back home to their parent’s basements, sometimes for more than a decade, because the 2016 graduating class is the most indebted in history. They might make…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 12th, 2017
…Random thoughts of our great leaderOur leader does not particularly like Republicans. They are crooks who helped ruin the country. The mainstream news media is the enemy of the American people. The Clintons were terrible for the country. When we invaded Iraq we should have taken all of the oil…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 5th, 2017
…Where is a Socrates when you really need him?I was born in 1932 during the Great Depression. I was brought up in a tiny farmhouse without electricity or plumbing. I walked two miles to a little country school for eight years, uphill both ways, of course. So many fascinating things…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 29th, 2017
…What does a comma cost? Sometimes, $10 millionWe may be in the middle of March Madness basketball in the United States, but nothing can surpass the madness we are dealing with in national and international politics, particularly since King Donald ascended the White House throne. After months of hard investigative…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 22nd, 2017
…How can we be so stupid?So here we go again with healthcare costs. Doctors once were paid pigs, chickens, and veggies for delivering babies. But now we have $10 Tylenols, $1,000-a-day pills, $10,000-a-day hospital rooms, $100,000 surgeries, $300,000-a-year drug protocols, and $500,000 organ transplants. We are the only industrialized country…