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Cruelty and Human Nature

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 29th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comIs Cruelty a Part of Nature—or Is It Just Part of Human Nature?Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has been my economics guru for many years for his pithy columns in The New York Times. In his September 14 column he used a word that I believe he has never used…

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Biden and the Second Coming

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 23rd, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comEighty Million Eligible Voters Did Not Vote in the DSA in 2020. Why Not?In the first week of February, 2023, Deborah Daub, 59, shot and killed her husband James Daub, 62, Morgan Daub, their daughter, then killed her mother Deborah, and then killed herself. Pennsylvania township police said the murders…

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Everybody’s Going to Be ‘Hot’

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 22nd, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comIf Homo Sapiens Do Nothing About Climate-Change, We Will Be Dead Saps SoonAnimals started to develop from plants 1.8 billion years ago, so that’s when our brains began to develop. The world’s politicians are currently experiencing climate change on every continent but haven’t come up with answers to control it…

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Conjoined Country

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 16th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comArt: José Guadalupe Posada, CC0, via Wikimedia CommonsCan Our Conjoined Democracy Be Separated and Survive?A two-headed western rat snake is back in a pit at a Waco, Texas zoo after recovering from an injury that most likely was caused by an argument between its two brains. The unusual snake with…

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Wars of Chimps and Homo Sapiens

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 2nd, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comAt What Evolutionary Level Do Animals Make War on Each Other?Many animals are territorial but only a few will kill brothers and sisters to maintain a predator area. Foxes are known to kill chickens when they are looking for one to eat. Wolves kill a lot of sheep and eat…

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iHomo Sapiens: Love and Hate

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 19th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comLinus: ‘I Love Mankind, It’s People I Can’t Stand’On August 8, two brothers, 8 and 9, were shot to death as they played with kittens in their backyard in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and a 19-year-old boy who lived with the family, the real target in this mass shooting, was also shot…

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​Humor Cannot Be Bought

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 16th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comHow Many Things in This World Do Not Have a Price Tag?During my years at the Harvard of the Midwest I took a course in Russian history which emphasized the contributions of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Tzar Nicholas and wife Alexandra, Lenin the Liar, and Stalin the Slayer.…

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Hobson’s Options

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 5th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comIn What State or Country Do You Want to Live – and in What Century?In 16th Century Cambridge, England, Thomas Hobson owned a livery stable where he had 40 horses for rent. When customers saw 40 horses, they might assume they had a choice. No way. If the customer refused…

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​A Pair of Blabbermouths

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | July 30th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comCan You Imagine a Blabbering Nutcase and a “No Kidding—No Joke” Guy in 2024?There is little doubt that the 2024 presidential election in the Divided States of America is probably the most important election in this country and the world for decades— possibly centuries, depending upon what happens in this…

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​One Morsel, Then the Whole World

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | July 19th, 2023

…“We Are Swamped in the Wake of Yachts and Chopped Up by Propeller Blades”In the final episode of the TV series “Succession,” which is all about the desire for power, the power theme is based on this truism: “Human nature yearns for one morsel, and then one more, and then…

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