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A Three-Week Graduation Ceremony

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | April 30th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comWhen a Spear and a Boomerang Equals a Computer and a SmartphoneEighteen years ago I wrote a column “Graduating for Life” about Australian aborigine teenagers at age 13 either dying during their graduation ceremonies or surviving the dangerous environment and becoming an adult in their tribe. With the battles about…

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​Anarchy or Democracy?

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | April 30th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comWill we goose-step backward with the GOP or stumble forward with Democrats?Two hundred years ago English poet William Wordsworth wrote a 14-line sonnet “The World Is Too Much With Us” with these opening lines: “The world is too much with us, late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste…

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Born-Again Know Nothings

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | April 6th, 2023

… Who’d a Thunk It? The Reincarnation and Resurrection of a Third Political Party!In 1853, a secret American society known as the Order of the Star Spangled Banner abandoned its secrets by transforming itself into a political party known at first as the American Party. Members refused to talk about…

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Tolerate Waco Wacko? OK! You Jest!

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | April 1st, 2023

… Can We Regenerate Our Country by “Rediscovering the Lost Art of Tolerance?”Columnist Gary Abernathy says our enormous diversity of identity in our sweeping multiculturalism makes it difficult to agree with groups present in the Divided States of America. We have hundreds of organizations, groups, and religions with which to…

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​The Forum Needs a Resident Proctologist

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | March 25th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comTwo ForumWhite Nationalist Trumplican Nincoms Have Pooped All Over LibrariansSo it has come to pass that Scott Hennen and Ross Nelson have assaulted librarians in the state, accusing them of putting porn on the library shelves and in the arms and backpacks of innocent big and little children. At 91…

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​Christian Ideoruptcy

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | March 18th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comHas Christianity Gone Bankrupt Because of Evangelicals, Stupidity, and the Vatican?The word “bankruptcy” refers to money because of the word “bank.” The word “bankruptcy” originated in Italy from banca rotta, which literally means “broken bank.” The term developed in the 16th century Renaissance, from Italian money changers and lenders sitting…

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Congress and Emancipation

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | March 13th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comWe Have Had a Mix of Disaster, Chaos, Rotting Capitalism and Socialism for 400 Years Capitalism leads to a branch of slavery where men and women are in bondage to the plutocrats and oligarchs who have acquired monopolies—unless socialist programs are utilized to restrain economic inequality. We don’t have property…

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A Woman for the Ages

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | March 4th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comThe 14th Century Wife of Bath Would Appreciate a 21st Century Spa So would her creator, Geoffrey Chaucer, a justice of the peace and customs agent who wrote the first novel, The Canterbury Tales, in Middle English, in the 14th century. It was his plan to write 120 stories told…

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A Plethora of Pandemics

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | February 4th, 2023

…gadfly@gmail.comCan a Sick Society Recover from Plagues, Pandemics, and Pandemonium?I wanted to check the dictionary definition of “pandemic”: Widespread; general; universal. In medicine: Epidemic over an especially wide geographic area. A pandemic disease. Just under pandemic was the word “pandemonium”: “Any place characterized by uproar and noise. The capital of…

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​Mechanisms and Variations

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | January 29th, 2023

… To ND Republican Legislators: Ignorance and Religion Is no Excuse As a Minnesotan for my first 22 years and as an eight-year letter-winner in baseball and football in my high school and college years, I am a fan of University of Minnesota athletics. I particularly watched Golden Gopher football…

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