6021 results for the search:
by Logan Macrae | All About Food | March 29th, 2017
…photo by Logan MacraeMadina Cuisine is a hidden gem. It’s an amazing environment and experience. It honestly felt like home, and it was the first time I had ever been there.As you drive down 13th Avenue, Madina Cuisine is easy to miss, it’s tucked into the same strip mall as…
by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | March 29th, 2017
…Next Wednesday the poet, memoirist, and literary critic Madelon Sprengnether will be at Minnesota State University Moorhead as part of the Clarence Glasrud Lecture Series. She will give a lecture at 4pm, followed by a reading at 7:30, both at the Livingston Lord Library Porch.For her work, Sprengnether has received…
by Faye Seidler | Culture | March 29th, 2017
…At the end of this summer, we’ll be losing one of the best trans activists this state ever saw: a sassy, fierce, and passionate lady by the name of Darcy Corbitt. She wasn’t afraid to say what needed to be said, hold people accountable, or work tirelessly to make the…
by John Showalter | Theatre | March 29th, 2017
…photo by Ariel WethernEver since its publication in 1900, L. Frank Baum’s “The Wizard of Oz” has delighted and inspired millions of people, both children and adults. The classic American tale of plucky Dorothy traveling the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz with…
by C.S. Hagen | News | March 23rd, 2017
…CANNON BALL - Joint Terrorism Task Force agents contacted an Indiana activist days after he returned home from Standing Rock’s fight in North Dakota against the Dakota Access Pipeline.Aaron Pollitt, 28, from Indiana, was charged on October 22, 2016, by Morton County Police with engaging in a riot and criminal…
by C.S. Hagen | News | March 23rd, 2017
…Alt White: The Siege of North Dakota. Part four in the series on racism in North Dakota. Pioneer Little Europe and the Creativity Movement plow ahead with plans in making an Aryan enclave in Nome, ND, but an old Lutheran church bought by Craig Cobb burns to the ground.NOME -…
by C.S. Hagen | News | March 22nd, 2017
…Russell Myhre lit a second cigarette, pulled his wool coat closer against the February chill after proudly revealing a red heart tattoo on his chest. He waved to Fred Thompson, former Valley City Police Chief, from across the parking lot behind his law office.“Hey, Mr. Thompson, come on over here,…
by HPR Contributor | Cinema | March 22nd, 2017
…By Kaley Sievert Movies have this magic. An emotional pull that lures audiences into their universe. Filmgoers can get lost in stories painted in dazzling lights, electric colors and robust sounds. They mourn over the hardships of the characters on screen, experience nostalgia when a relatable childhood memory flashes in front…
by John Showalter | Music | March 22nd, 2017
…Changes in the presidential administration are always bound to bring out artistic expression, whether supportive or critical. The recently inaugurated Trump administration is no different. It’s safe to say that the 45th President of the United States, in the two months he has been in office, has inspired his own…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 22nd, 2017
…How can we be so stupid?So here we go again with healthcare costs. Doctors once were paid pigs, chickens, and veggies for delivering babies. But now we have $10 Tylenols, $1,000-a-day pills, $10,000-a-day hospital rooms, $100,000 surgeries, $300,000-a-year drug protocols, and $500,000 organ transplants. We are the only industrialized country…